Achieving a Healthy Work-Life Balance

A Healthy Work-Life Balance or the Best of Both Worlds

balancing work-lifeWork-Life Balance is a concept that implies there’s a particular balance between your work life and your personal life that can optimize your happiness. Achieving a healthy work-life balance can help you have the best of both worlds.

We’ve all met the so-called “workaholic.” What are some words that come to mind when you hear that word: Busy? Stressed? Overwhelmed?

How about the individual at the opposite end of the spectrum without a job or not happy with their job: Bored? Disengaged? Inactive? Stressed?

Is Your Work-Life Balance Out of Whack?

Regardless of the particular words used, living on either of the spectrum could make many of us feel out of whack. We might be the workaholic wishing we had more time with our friends and family. We could also be the unemployed individual stressing about working in order to feed themselves and their family. Getting/having a job is the first part of the equation, but what about having a life?

I hesitate to suggest finding the “middle ground” between the two, though. I simply suggest finding what works best for you and makes you the happiest.

Work-Life Priorities

It’s important to understand what your personal priorities are and how much time and attention should be given to each aspect of your life: career and ambition, health, pleasure, leisure, family, spiritual development, etc. There is a myriad of different aspects to your life, I’m sure, and each of us is different than the next. Take some time to consider what’s most important to you and what deserves your utmost attention.

If family is what’s most important to you, make sure you are setting time aside throughout the week to spend time with them. Personally, we have family night every Wednesday. We make it a point to pick up the kids after work and head out for a night of dinner and sometimes a movie. It’s also a priority of mine to make sure the kids get the attention they need after school to complete their homework and any other school projects.

There are times where I’ve had to cancel other plans or miss out on something fun so that I can attend to those needs. At the end of the day, I’m still happy regardless of missing out on the other plans, because I’m sticking with the priority I’ve determined for myself and believe the outcome will be far greater in the long run than what I missed out on.

work-life-balanceA Balancing Act

It’s definitely a daily balancing act. I say the best way to achieve a healthy work-life balance is to be honest with yourself about your needs versus your wants. Make sure you are providing for you and your family’s needs, but don’t forget to splurge now and again to knock a few items off your wish list!

Constantly focusing on needs and viewing the wants as unnecessary can be just as stressful as constantly doing what you want and not attending to some of yours or your family’s needs. I believe that finding a work-life balance that includes all of your highest priorities is the key to keeping you sane and happy.

So go ahead and make a list of your wants and needs and see how you can fit a few from each list into your workweek. I believe the best way to determine the right balance for you is through trial and error, but don’t forget to be patient and understanding if things don’t work out as planned. If it makes you more stressed, then try something else.

You can do this! I believe in you!

Good luck!

Alison Evans
Human Resources Manager
Your Employment Solutions

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