Attracting Great Millennial Talent to Your Company

attracting millennial talent Millennials are going to drive the future of business. The millennial workforce of 53.5 million has surpassed Generation X and now represents the largest share of the American workforce. This group is highly educated, adaptable, tech-savvy and quick learning. Millennials’ skills are essential for businesses that want to innovate and stay relevant in the ever-changing business world. However, managers have learned that it is difficult to find and retain millennial talent.

Here are some ways you can attract (and keep) excellent millennial talent:

Create a dynamic culture

Your company needs to be an industry leader that understands millennial wants, needs and behavioral patterns. The modern workplace is constantly changing, due to new technologies, globalization, automation and a fluctuating economy. A modern company needs to create culture that works with the progressive, millennial mindset. With the right culture, you won’t have to force anyone to do anything.

Encourage innovation

Millennials strive to develop, create, contribute and innovate. Unlike any other generation, it is their goal to make an impact on the world. These millennial qualities will not only fuel your growth and influence, but encouraging innovation contributes to overall happiness. If you want to attract and retain millennial employees, your business should be unique and nurture creativity.


The millennial workforce changes and creates industries. These individuals have the flexible skill sets required to be successful in a technology-driven world full of change, instant responses and infinite workdays. Millennials crave experiences and opportunities above all else. You need to create an environment that allows people to work remotely and even travel. Providing the opportunity to have unique experiences will keep millennial employees engaged. Maximize the talents, creativity and independence of your employees by giving them freedom and flexibility.

Make Your Business Meaningful

Millennials are driven by purpose. They want to be impactful and need more than a large salary to motivate their work. Find a charity or cause that is important to and congruent with your company’s mission. If you can sell products or services and make a difference, everyone will win. Employees will find fulfillment when they’re part of something bigger.

Cheers to Great Business!
Eric Nelson
Marketing Director
Your Employment Solutions

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