YES Awarded by Chevron for Safety

Workplace Safety is No Accident

At Your Employment Solutions, we believe in promoting a safe workplace. We employ a lot of good people with a lot of great Utah employers, and we believe their safety is paramount.

Chevron, one of the great companies Your Employment Solutions does business with, recently awarded YES for its safety efforts. YES employees had zero work accidents with Chevron in 2016, the fourth year in a row.

workplace safety award

“It’s rewarding to work with an organization who values safety just as much as we do,” says Jarum Stone, safety and operation manager at YES. “To earn this award 4-years running is an amazing accomplishment. It not only reflects the organization’s emphasis on safety but ultimately it reflects on the hundreds of lives that have NOT been injured at work, and that’s priceless.”

Congratulations to all involved in this extraordinary accomplishment — and especially to the YES staffing employees who made for a safe workplace!

Say YES to Workplace Safety!
Eric Nelson
Marketing Manager
Your Employment Solutions

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