Best Utah Staffing Company!

Your Employment Solutions is voted one the best companies to work for in Utah for the third time!

SALT LAKE CITY, UT – January 10, 2019 – Your Employment Solutions, a leader in the Utah jobs and staffing industry for over 20 years, announced that it was named a Best Company to Work For by Utah Business for the third time in the last four years. Your Employment Solutions previously won the honor in 2015 and 2016.

“Winning the best company award for the year 2018 shows that I’m truly in a company that cares about it’s employees and the future success of the organization” says Brigham Yates, director of client relations at Your Employment Solutions. “I couldn’t be more proud of the organization and all my incredibly talented coworkers who make YES a great place to work.”

The workplace culture at Your Employment Solutions is fun, success-oriented, and family-centered.

Utah Business noted that YES offers, among other perks, fully covered covered health insurance, flexible work schedules, PTO, company parties, company swag, personalized Christmas gifts, and profit sharing opportunities.

“It makes me proud to be a YES employee!” says Malyn Dickson, manager of the Logan, Utah staffing office. “I don’t really realize how lucky I am all the time, but working for a company that wins an award like that puts things into perspective and I couldn’t imagine working anywhere else.”

YES was also recognized for it’s positive work culture. “Being recognized as one of the Best Companies to Work For (again) confirms to me that employees and management are truly dedicated,” says Seth Hopkin, HR manager for one of YES’ Ogden, Utah staffing clients. “As a company I think it’s an honor to be recognized by Utah Business and it sets Your Employment Solutions apart because our clients can expect better results as a natural product of happy employees.

For more information about Your Employment Solution or to apply at YES, visit:

About Your Employment Solutions

Founded in Utah during 1995, Your Employment Solutions (YES) had a vision to re-create the traditional Utah staffing and employment methods. The owners, Reed Laws and Kerry Westenskow, quickly realized that CUSTOMIZED staffing was nowhere to be found. In order to customize meant every fiber of the company’s existence had to have the ability to adapt and react to each and every client.

In addition to customizing, YES has taken this vision one step further by being the first of its kind to certify its staffing process, build its own Utah recruiting job board, and own its criminal background company.

Utilizing these tools allows YES to staff qualified workers for companies in need of 1 employee – or – 3 bazillion employees. Combining these efforts along with exceptional customer service has helped shape the company’s vision of being, “Unquestioned leaders in customized staffing.”

For more information, visit You can also follow YES on Facebook, YouTube, and LinkedIn.