Communication: The Bridge Between Expectation & Reality

You have 100% control over how often you communicate.

Whatever job you work, no matter the industry, there will always be the struggle between expectation and reality. Standards are written out and, no matter what, you are expected to meet or even exceed them. This creates a struggle in and of itself.

How do we keep up when there is low supply and high demand? Do we just curl up in the fetal position, turn the lights off, and hope that it passes over eventually? That’s entirely up to you. You can choose to give up, or push through.

Communication in the Staffing Industry

communication in staffing

In staffing, there are similar struggles. Client businesses need employees and they come to staffing agencies to fill that need. However, what they may not realize at times is that the reality is that staffing agencies need time to find the right individual.

Clients see that they need someone NOW and so they want someone NOW. Then when that need is filled with the first available warm body (an unqualified candidate) they get upset when the employee is not a good match and does not return.

RELATED ARTICLE: Staffing Expectations vs Staffing Reality

This is the reality of the situation, if you want quality candidates it will take time to onboard the right individual. It is our (the staffing agency’s) responsibility to make sure we are communicating with clients in regards to our progress with finding employees for their open positions. Communication is the bridge between expectation and reality.

Frustration comes in when there is a lack of communication and a failure of follow through. Essentially, we create our own problems and frustrations.

George Bernard Shaw said it best:

“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.”

– Shaw

How to Improve Your Staffing Client Communication

The following are suggestions for you to improve your communication:

  • Be consistent.
  • Be clear and concise. You don’t need to send your client a novel as to why you haven’t filled their job yet.
  • Address points of concern for your client.
  • Don’t create an illusion, be transparent.
  • Visit your clients. There is no communication that is better than face-to-face.
  • Be understanding.
  • Be unoffendable. Understand that you are not the problem.

I won’t tell you statistics to make you understand how important good communication is for any business that wants to succeed and grow. However, I will tell you that you have 100% control over how much you communicate.

My challenge to you, the reader, is to step up your game when it comes to communication. See what differences it makes in your life and relationships with your clients. I promise you will not regret it and it will leave you with a peace of mind in knowing you laid it all out on the table.

Chris Walker
On-Site Manager | Ogden, Utah
Your Employment Solutions

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