Employee Fees | Staffing Myths #1

Staffing Myths #1: Staffing Agencies Charge Employees Fees

There are a lot of misconceptions about what the Staffing Industry is (and isn’t). Of course, in this day and age of free-flowing information (and misinformation) that is true about almost every industry. Your Employment Solutions has worked to become Utah’s best choice for staffing since 1995. A big part of what makes us the best is our commitment to being honest and open in business. This policy has trickled down throughout the organization from the examples of YES’s leaders Reed Laws and Kerry Westenskow.

So in the spirit of honesty and transparency, here is the first in a series of blog posts meant to clear up any staffing myths you might have. If you’ve ever looked at working with a staffing agency, but were unsure about it for any reason, my hope is that these posts resolve any of your questions.

staffing mythsDo staffing agencies charge jobseekers a fee to place them in a new job?

No. The employment services that a staffing agency provides for jobseekers are totally free. There is no cost to the jobseeker to register with and work with a staffing agency.

Does the jobseeker owe the staffing company a fee once he or she is hired?

No. Once again, the services that a staffing agency provides are completely free to the jobseeker.

Does a staffing agency ever charge an employee any kind of fee at all?

On some occasions there are fees associated with equipment or licenses required to perform the job. At Your Employment Solutions we can sometimes supply you with this equipment and cover the cost on our end — like for a pair of safety glasses. In other instances, a fee might be charged for equipment that can’t be returned or re-used — like metatarsils.

How do staffing agencies make money?

A staffing agency makes money by charging employment fees to the companies they represent. In other words, a business in need of employees will pay the staffing company to find them the right workers.

Does a business pay the employee a lower wage because of the fee they pay to the staffing agency?

The sad truth is some employment staffing agencies do indeed lower wages in order to make a profit. Make sure you ask the staffing agency you work with whether that is their policy.

This is not how we work at Your Employment Solutions. The wage an employee is offered through a staffing agency is generally competitive with what it would be if that employee was hired directly.

If there is a difference, it is can be because some companies will use staffing agencies as a resource to screen for quality workers and then directly hire the employee once that quality has been proven over a certain period of time. If that is the case, there can often be a bump in pay once the employee is hired directly by the company.

Keep in mind, that all employers are required to pay taxes and other fees on top of what they pay to their regular employees. So the fee they would pay to a staffing agency is generally comparable to the costs they might accrue by keeping their hiring process in-house.

I hope this post helped answer any questions you might have regarding staffing or at least cleared up some of the more common myths.  Other staffing myths posts will cover the topics of quality of pay, types of jobs in staffing, resumes, and more. If I missed anything you’d like to know about, please leave a comment and let me know!

Cheers to Utah Staffing!
Eric Nelson
Marketing Manager
Your Employment Solutions

“I help connect Utah jobseekers to Utah jobs.”

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Check out our entire Staffing Myths Game Show video series on YouTube!