YES Employee Spotlight | April 2015

The People Business Starts With Great People

At Your Employment Solutions, we firmly believe that its our people that set us apart. The people who work at YES make us the best in Utah staffing because they rank among the best people in Utah. Our April employee spotlight is a shining example of that.

Thank You Cassandra Smith | YES April Employee Spotlight

employee spotlight

Cassandra is among YES’ best and brightest. She has been with YES just shy of three years now and has continually amazed us with her talent, time and time again. She is a very dedicated, hard worker who will stop at nothing to make sure her customers are well taken care of and get the customer service they deserve.

We asked Cassandra to answer 11 questions about her work and life. Here’s what she had to say:

1. 5 things you enjoy.

  1. I love spending time with my family and kids.
  2. I enjoy watching movies. We own a huge DVD collection. Over 2000+
  3. I enjoy silence. Every now and then I like to be or hear nothing.
  4. I like to go swimming. Water has some healing powers.
  5. I enjoy cooking amazing food for my Paleo eating lifestyle.

2. 3 things you don’t.

  1. I hate excuses, they are the worse. Be honest.
  2. I hate cats, the fact of the litter box all over their little feet and they walk all over the house. NO…….
  3. I hate running out of floss. Meat stuck in teeth, blah…

3. What do you like most about working at YES?

Working at YES has been a great experience for me. YES has taught me that you don’t have to be a perfectionist. We are all human and we are not robots. For those of you that know me well, you know it was hard for me to calm down and not be a robot, lol…

We are all people tying to make a living for our families and doing the best we can. We can fail at things and bounce back with a little help and that help is always the next person away. We just need to ask.

4. What do you think would make YES better?

A fitness room 🙂

5. If you could meet anyone, who?

Oh, that is a tough one. I was going to say Mark Wahlberg, but I would just look at him too much, haha…

But seriously, I would want to meet someone inspiring like Oprah Winfrey. I would enjoy a sleepover girl’s night with Oprah and just pick her brain.

6. Your favorite place in the world.

My bed next to my husband.

7. Your April fool’s prank this year was legendary. Have you always been a big believer in practical jokes? What’s the best one you’ve ever been a part of?

I love April Fools Day, especially on people who can take it. I have always been into practical jokes ever since I was a kid. It’s fun to laugh, play and mess around with loved ones.

The best practical joke was on my husband. If I could of recorded this I would have. So we moved into our first apartment after getting married and all of our stuff was everywhere. Well, I came home and he was in the shower. So I took advantage of this and I hid in our walk-in closet. There was a pile of blankets and sheets on the floor that were going to go through. Well our walk-in connects to our bathroom. I waited under the sheets for a good 30 minutes until my husband walked out and I grabbed his leg and he screamed and acted like a little girl running away! lol..

It was the best. The funny thing is he said, “It’s on!” instead of getting upset. Then, next week, I was pranked with a fake washer machine mouse.

8. What is the number one challenge you face in your job?

My biggest challenge is trying to not be perfect. I have been in staffing for over 15 years and I was trained to have everything perfect — can’t miss a thing — and if I did, it was a huge deal. When I came here I found myself saying, “Oh, I know this.” Or, “Oh, I got this,” and “Oh, this is wrong,” or “Oh, its not like that!” Blah, blah, blah…

Sometimes what I say or do can reflect on others and I have to pull myself back and say, “Cassandra, let things be the way they are. You can not control of everything and you don’t have to know everything. Just let it be.”

9. What do you think is the best way to meet that challenge?

Take a break; work will still be here. Clients will still be upset. Temps will still NCNS. We are all human and we can only do the best we can with the product we have. People can sometimes be the most unreliable product you can sell. I just need to try to weed out the bad and work with the tools we have to make my job enjoyable. My philosophy is, “Work Smarter, Not Harder.”

10. What would you tell someone looking into working with YES?

Look at your resume and ask yourself, “Would I hire myself?” If you answered YES, then submit your resume to Alison Evans, LOL….

YES jump to it! YES is a great environment, with a great family-oriented group of people, great upper management that listens to what you have to say, offers a great learning experience, and is overall just a great place to work.

11. YES puts you in charge of recruiting for a Fortune Cookie Writer position. President Reed Laws and VP Kerry Westenskow have both submitted resumes. Who gets the job? Why?

utah jobsKerry. Even though he is Mr. Finance, he can still crack you up and make you smile for the day no matter what mood you are in. He is also older than all of us so he is VERY WISE… I’m sure he has tons of “motivational funny quotes” for fortune cookies.

Thank you Cassandra for all that you do! You help make YES a great company with amazing customer service.

Alison Evans
Human Resources Manager
Your Employment Solutions

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