YES Employee Spotlight | April 2017

The Staffing Employees at YES are the Best People in Utah!

Our employee spotlight for April is another rockstar out of our Ogden office, Haylee Sorenson!

utah staffing employee spotlight

Thank You Haylee Sorenson | YES April Employee Spotlight

Haylee has been so reliable and dedicated to YES, she works extremely hard for the office and for our clients, and she has fun while doing so! We love having Haylee around and enjoy watching her grow as a recruiter, account manager, teammate, and friend. We hope to spend a lot more time with Haylee, as we value her skills and abilities along with her fun and vibrant personality.

We asked Haylee to answer 11 questions about work and life. Here’s what she had to say:

1. Five things you enjoy.
• FISHING! I would go everyday all day If I could.
• Hunting, but I don’t hunt anything I won’t eat.
• Camping, it’s where I feel the most relaxed.
• 4wheeling in the mountains and sand dunes
• Dogs! I love all dogs. Especially my fur babies!

2. Three things you don’t.
• SPIDERS! They Terrify me.
• Cats because I was attacked by one.
• Chocolate because it’s gross.

3. What do you like most about working at YES?
My awesome co-workers! Before now, I never worked somewhere where everyone works together and helps one another. We are a team here at YES and I love that!

4. What do you think would make YES better?
Hmmm. YES is great! BUUUUT, bi-weekly massages wouldn’t be a bad idea. 😉

5. If you could meet anyone, who?
Jennifer Aniston hands down! She is my girl crush! lol

6. Your favorite place in the world.
Anywhere I can go fishing! (sun) Except for Willard Bay because the rocks are infested with spiders!

7. What’s the correct term, “soda” or “pop?” Why?
Soda, because “pop” just doesn’t sound right.

8. What is the number one challenge you face in your job?
Dealing with difficult people.

9. What do you think is the best way to meet that challenge?
Be understanding, you don’t know what that person may be going through. Smile through it!

10. What would you tell someone looking into working with YES?
Your Employment Solutions is a great company that cares about all their employees and clients. You won’t regret working with YES. Just come in and see for yourself!

11. So, you’re big into the outdoors. You have to take the president of YES Reed Laws and vice president Kerry Westeskow camping for a week in bear country. Who gets eaten first? Why?
WELL, if they are with me there’s nothing to worry about because I could take a bear down. Lol. If they ventured off from me I guess whoever is the slowest runner! Probably Reed, he has shorter legs. 😀

Thank you for everything you do Haylee! You rock!

Alison Evans
Human Resources Manager
Your Employment Solutions

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