YES Employee Spotlight | June 2015

Our Spotlight Shines on Another Great Utah Staffing Professional!

A company cannot succeed without an honest, smart, thorough, and in our case a fun-loving person to manage the finances. For this, we have Trevor!

Thank You Trevor Hansen | YES June Employee Spotlight

employee spotlight

We are so lucky to have a finance manager who knows so much about the company, in so many aspects. Trevor began work with Your Employment Solutions as a recruiter and was then promoted to team lead. He went to school for finance and when the opportunity presented itself, he moved into the YES payroll department before eventually moving into his current role as Finance Manager. YES attributes its financial success to each and every one of its employees, but especially to employees like Trevor who understands and has been successful in each role within our company. Here’s to you Trevor!

We asked Trevor to answer 11 questions about his work and life. Here’s what he had to say:

1. Five things you enjoy.

  • My family
  • Anything outside (backpacking, snowboarding, skiing, bike riding, etc.)
  • Working on my motorcycle
  • Finding the best deal on something
  • My new lawn

2. Three things you don’t.

  • Justin Bieber
  • Watching golf, sorry Kerry, Reed, and Jarum
  • Paying taxes

3. What do you like most about working at YES?

What I like most about working at YES are the people here. The people I work with at YES are genuinely interested and concerned in who I am as a person and the wellbeing of my family and myself.

4. What do you think would make YES better?

The only way YES could be better is if we continued to add valuable members to our team.

5. If you could meet anyone, who?

Brett Mckay, He started a blog called “The Art of Manliness” and he does a podcast. The blog is all about self-improvement. He has created a lot of content on how to be a better husband, father, friend, employee, manager, etc. I think it would be fascinating to pick is brain.

6. Your favorite place in the world.

In the mountains, no civilization around for miles and miles.

legendary mustache7. You recently shaved your legendary mustache…

a. Did you donate the shavings to locks of love?

Yes, they said their push broom had recently lost some bristles and that my bristles would work perfectly to repair the broom.

b. Do you wake up at night with sensations that it is still there?

Not anymore but the first few days I would catch myself trying to groom it with my fingers.

c. Do tears of joyful memories come to your eyes when you see the mustache on can of Pringles?

Yes, my wife won’t buy those anymore cause I’m a wreck if I see them in the house.

d. What would you do if your mustache came back from the grave to haunt you?

I would grow a bigger and better mustache to kick its hairy butt back to the dark hole it crawled out of.

8. What is the number one challenge you face in your job?

Time management. I have so many different things that I do and they are time consuming so I have to plan out when I do things and get them done. If I try to do everything at once I won’t get anything done.

9. What do you think is the best way to meet that challenge?

Plan out what I am going to do each day and stick to the plan.

10. What would you tell someone looking into working with YES?

Congratulations, you just discovered THE best staffing agency there is.

11. Reed and Kerry get in a brawl in your kitchen over who is better at golf and someone goes through the window. Who is that someone? Also, who would you hire to measure the window’s dimensions to have your kitchen window replaced? Also, how many times should they recheck their measurements?

The someone who goes through the window would be Kerry, because Reed is kinda short so he could easily get underneath Kerry and the rest is history. As for measuring the window I don’t think I would hire either of them to measure. I would hire a professional like myself, and sometimes professionals make mistakes too so I would just order two windows, one of them is bound to fit.

Thank you Trevor for all that you do to help make Your Employment solutions the best staffing agency in Utah!

Alison Evans

Human Resources Manager

Your Employment Solutions

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