YES Employee Spotlight | September 2015

20th Anniversary Edition!

For this month’s employee spotlight, in honor of our 20th anniversary of being in business, we decided to shine our attention on the President and Vice President of Your Employment Solutions. Reed Laws and Kerry Westenskow have been working together since 1996. Not only are they great leaders, but they are also good friends who lead the way in helping set the standard of “Work hard, play hard” we all live by here at YES. We decided to have a little fun with their working relationship and asked them each to answer a bunch of questions about one another. Whoever got the most questions wrong, owes the other a bevie (drink) of choice. So in the spirit of working together, here goes the YESlywed Game!!

1. What’s the one thing, apart from you that he’d save in a fire?

The Guess: Kerry would save his golf clubs. Correct Answer: Golf clubs.
The Guess: Reed would save his tools. Correct Answer: Tools.

2. His job, his friends, his hobbies, his family – put them in order of priority!

The Guess: Kerry’s priorities are: Family, Friends, Job, Hobbies Correct Answer: Family, Job, Friends, Hobbies
The Guess: Reed’s priorities are: Family, Job, Friends, Hobbies Correct Answer: Job, Family, Friends, Hobbies

3. What would he say is most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done?

The Guess: When Kerry accidentally dumped a client out of a golf cart. Correct Answer: Dumped a client out of a golf cart.
The Guess: When Reed started talking randomly about the cows he could see outside during a sales meeting. Correct Answer: Talking about cows.

4. What’s the name of his favorite celebrity crush?

The Guess: Kerry crushes on Brad Pitt. Correct Answer: Charlize Theron
The Guess: Reed crushes on Halle Berry. Correct Answer: Halle Berry.

5. What would he say is your most annoying habit?

The Guess: Kerry would say I work too much. Correct Answer: Works 24/7
The Guess: Reed would say my addiction to pumpkin seeds. Correct Answer: He goes to bed at 6pm.

6. Who would play him in a movie of his life?

The Guess: Arnold Schwarzenegger (from Twins) would play Kerry. Correct Answer: Goose from Top Gun.
The Guess: Josh Hartnett would play Reed. Correct Answer: Danny DeVito from Twins.

7. What year did you get together?

The Guess: 1996 Correct Answer: 1996
The Guess: 1996 Correct Answer: 1996

8. What’s the first thing he ever said to you?

The Guess: Kerry said, “Are you replacing me?” Correct Answer: “Hello, can I help you?”
The Guess: Reed said, “I’m taking your job.” Correct Answer: “Hi. I’m taking your job.”

9. What’s his favorite food and drink?

The Guess: Kerry’s favorite is soda and candy. Correct Answer: 1/2 Diet Coke and 1/2 Dr. Pepper.
The Guess: Reed’s favorite is Diet Dew and Cheeseburger. Correct Answer: Diet Dew and Cheeseburger.

10. What’s his nickname for you?

The Guess: Trussel Correct Answer: Trussel
The Guess: Westies Correct Answer: Westies

11. What’s his favorite song?

The Guess: Kerry’s favorite song is “Sidewinder” by REM Correct Answer: “Sidewinder” by REM
The Guess: Reed’s favorite song is “I kissed a Girl” by Katy Perry. Correct Answer: “More Than Words” by Extreme

12. What’s the first course you ever played golf on together?

The Guess: Wasatch Correct Answer: Sponge
The Guess: Sponge Correct Answer: Wasatch
FINAL SCORE: Reed – 7 Kerry – 7 Guess you guys will have to take this one to the golf course. Thanks Reed and Kerry, for building such a fantastic company. We love working with you, and look forward to another 20 great years of making work happen at Your Employment Solutions! Alison Evans Human Resources Manager Your Employment Solutions Facebook | Google+ | YouTube