Employees of the Month! September 2016

September 2016 Employee of the Month!

Your Employment Solutions understands that the staffing business is the people business. YES we want to help people find good jobs in Utah! Our company mission is to match the right person to the right job every time. That said, we truly appreciate and care about the people we get to meet and work with on a daily basis. We wouldn’t have been voted one of the best places to work in Utah if not for our hard-working and incredible co-workers and employees!

Congratulations Jessica Lugo!

employee of the month logan utah
We want to congratulate Jessica Lugo who was our September Employee of the Month in Logan, Utah! DeNae Paspuel, one of our great account managers, nominatedJessica and had this to say about her:

“Jessica has worked for Icon for many years. Her daughters have worked through us and we now have the pleasure to have her work with us. She’s a good hard-working individual who we can count on for any job. We appreciate all that she does to represent us well!”

Jessica was awarded a thank-you certificate and YES t-shirt for her great work. Thanks again Jessica for being a part of the hard-working Logan, Utah staffing team at Your Employment Solutions!

Congratulations Kevin Ho!

employee of the month north salt lake utah
We want to congratulate Kevin Ho who was our September Employee of the Month for one of our on-site clients in North Salt Lake! David Carrejo, one of our amazing North Salt Lake account managers, nominated Kevin and had this to say about him:

 “Kevin is an awesome example of a YES employee. He works for one of our clients in our North Salt Area. Kevin is at work everyday and gives 100% to detail and performance. Thank you Kevin for your dedication and being a part of YES you are greatly appreciated.”

We asked Kevin to answer a few questions about YES. Here’s what he told us.

1. How did you find out about YES? I found your staffing agency through a friend.

2. Whats been your favorite job through YES? So far it’s been working with Orbit. It’s a fun job and exciting.

3. What do you think would make YES better? I don’t think anything needs to be changed at YES.

4. What would you tell someone looking into working with YES? If you are serious about a job, go to YES.

Kevin was awarded a thank-you certificate and YES t-shirt for his great work. Thanks again Kevin for being a part of the hard-working Utah staffing team at Your Employment Solutions!

Congratulations Jose Cardi!

employee of the month north salt lake utah
We want to congratulate Jose Cardi who was our September Employee of the Month in our North Salt Lake staffing office! Cassandra Smith, one our great Salt Lake account managers, nominated Jose and had this to say about him:

“Jose is a great YES advocate and has gone above and beyond at Snap Finance. He just got rated top 3 out of 60+ call center agents! He is very dedicated and enjoys his job.There is a funny thing about him being late for his interview however he did overcome the issues and shines at Snap. Jose has a great professional energetic attitude and always put his best foot forward. Thank you Jose for being a part of the YES Team. We appreciate all that you do.”

We asked Jose to answer a few questions about YES. Here’s what he told us.

1. How did you find out about YES? I don’t remember how, but Cassandra messaged me about an upcoming job before I got hired on with Snap Finance.

2. Whats been your favorite job through YES?I haven’t had much interaction unfortunately but when I was looking for a job a couple months ago, Cassandra was very prompt in providing me when another opportunity was available and I think that says Yes is commited to finding you a stable place of employment.

3. What do you think would make YES better? I think YES is amazing as it is.

4. What would you tell someone looking into working with YES? The employee’s are committed to getting you not just a job, but a stable environment you will enjoy

Jose was awarded a thank-you certificate and YES t-shirt for his great work. Thanks again Jose for being a part of the hard-working North Salt Lake, Utah staffing team at Your Employment Solutions!

Congratulations Erika Tinoco!

employee of the month west valley city utah
We want to congratulate Erika Tinoco who was our September Employee of the Month for our West Valley City, Utah staffing office! Riley Smith, one of our excellent account managers, nominated Erika and had this to say about her:

“Erika is a good worker. She’s doing well in the department getting along with everyone and doing what is needed. She’s a hard worker.”

We asked Erika to answer a few questions about YES. Here’s what she told us.

1. How did you find out about YES? I found out about Your Employment Solutions through a friend.

2. Whats been your favorite job through YES? Ultradent.

3. What do you think would make YES better? I don’t believe there is anything I would do, There was great communication about the job and great benefits.

4. What would you tell someone looking into working with YES? I recommend them.

Erika was awarded a thank-you certificate and YES t-shirt for her great work. Thanks again Erika for being a part of the hard-working West Vally City, Utah staffing team at Your Employment Solutions!

Congratulations Wuilton Rodriguez!

employee of the month salt lake city utah
We want to congratulate Wuilton Rodriguez who was our September Employee of the Month for one of our clients in Salt Lake City! Alejandra Ledesma, one of our great account managers, nominated Wuilton and had this to say about him:

“Wuilton works in blending on swing shift. He is here every day for work. Never complains even though he is sick and has a pick line in his heart. He is very hard working and makes our life easier by being here every day for work and not missing his punches.”

Wuilton was awarded a thank-you certificate and YES t-shirt for his great work. Thanks again Wuilton for being a part of the hard-working Salt Lake City, Utah staffing team at Your Employment Solutions!

Congratulations Jessica Bailey!

employee of the month ogden utah jobs
We want to congratulate Jessica Bailey who was our September Employee of the Month for one of our clients in Ogden, Utah! Chris Walker, one of our amazing account managers, nominated Jessica and had this to say about her:

“Jessica is very dedicated to her job and has proven her reliability time and time again. She never has a bad attitude and always seems to have a smile on her face. We have received many compliments about how Jessica works and how she is just a great all-around person.”

Jessica was awarded a thank-you certificate and YES t-shirt for her great work. Thanks again Jessica for being a part of the hard-working Ogden, Utah staffing team at Your Employment Solutions!

Congratulations Siang Bik!

employee of the month salt lake city utah
We want to congratulate Siang Bik who was our September Employee of the Month for one of our clients in Salt Lake City! Jim Arrington, one of our great account managers, nominated Siang and had this to say about him:

“Siang has been on assignment out here since early July and has not missed a day that I can recall.  He is always on time and very respectful. I have never heard any of the supervisors complain about him and consistently volunteers for extra work. He is just a very easy employee to work with and I can always count on him to be here on time ready to work.”

Siang was awarded a thank-you certificate and YES t-shirt for his great work. Thanks again Siang for being a part of the hard-working Salt Lake City, Utah staffing team at Your Employment Solutions!