Employees of the Month | September 2018

September 2018 Employees of the Month!

At Your Employment Solutions, we know that the staffing business is the people business. YES, we want to help people find good jobs in Utah! Our company mission is to match the right person to the right job every time. That said, we truly appreciate and care about the people we get to meet and work with on a daily basis.

Congratulations Losanatuputupu Tia!

employee of the month salt lake city utah
We want to congratulate Losanatuputupu Tia who was our September 2018 Employee of the Month for one of our clients in Salt Lake City! Laura Lafeen, one of our great account managers, nominated Losana and had this to say about her:

“Losana has been with us for almost two months now! 🙂 She easily makes friends and yet isn’t afraid of some friendly competition when challenging others in the pick and pack, which is great for boosting morale. Losana has the best personality and her positivity radiates whenever she comes in! I truly enjoy having her here and on our team!”

We asked Losana to answer a few questions about YES. Here’s what she told us.

1. How did you find out about YES? I found your staffing agency through a friend.

2. What has been your favorite thing about working with YES? The people I get to work with!

3. What do you think would make YES better? Honestly, I can’t think of anything… maybe funny pictures with my supervisor. (She thought Laura wouldn’t do it, haha)

4. What would you tell someone looking into working with YES? It’s a great place to work, and a great place to meet awesome people! 🙂

Losana was awarded a thank-you certificate and some YES swag for her great work. Thanks again Losana for being a part of the hard-working Salt Lake City, Utah staffing team at Your Employment Solutions!

Congratulations Luis Barenas!

employee of the month ogden utah
We want to congratulate Luis Barenas who was our September 2018 Employee of the Month for one of our clients in Ogden, Utah! Kaitlyn Sterling, one of our awesome account managers, nominated Luis and had this to say about him:

“Luis has been a really solid employee. His supervisor has told us that he is doing a great job and has been a really big help. Every time I see him in the facility he is always smiling and always friendly and polite. He also has great attendance! Thank you, Luis, for your hard work!”

We asked Luis to answer a few questions about YES. Here’s what he told us.

1. How did you find out about YES? I found your staffing agency online through Indeed.

2. What’s been your favorite job through YES? This is the only job I have had with YES. I really like everyone I work with.

3. What do you think would make YES better? I have had a better experience with YES than with other agencies. Nothing needs improvement. I love the on-site office, it is very convenient.

4. What would you tell someone looking into working with YES? Do it! YES is awesome, just do it, get started with YES. Need a job? go to YES and let them know I referred you. (hahaha)

Luis was awarded a thank-you certificate and YES shirt for his great work. Thanks again Luis for being a part of the hard-working Ogden, Utah staffing team at Your Employment Solutions!

Congratulations Robert Kammeyer!

employee of the month ogden utah
We want to congratulate Robert Kammeyer who was our September 2018 Employee of the Month for our Ogden, Utah staffing office! Jasmine Sierra, one of our great account managers, nominated Robert and had this to say about him:

“Bob us an outstanding employee. he is willing to help out wherever needed. He is always the first one to say, ‘Hey Boss, is there anything else I can do?’ His attitude is always upbeat and he is really fun to work with!”

We asked Robert to answer a few questions about YES. Here’s what he told us.

1. How did you find out about YES? I found your staffing agency online.

2. What’s been your favorite job through YES? I have had two good jobs with YES.

3. What do you think would make YES better? I am satisfied with YES so far. I can’t think if anything.

4. What would you tell someone looking into working with YES? Do If you take a job with YES and do a walkthrough after a job offer — make sure you want the job before committing to accepting the job. I have seen a lot of people who didn’t last long before quitting.

Robert was awarded a thank-you certificate and some YES swag for his great work. Thanks again Robert for being a part of the hard-working Ogden, Utah staffing team at Your Employment Solutions!

Congratulations Shun Musse!

employee of the month salt lake city utah
We want to congratulate Shun Musse who was our September 2018 Employee of the Month for one of our clients in Salt Lake City! Karina Horst, one of our amazing account managers, nominated Shun and had this to say about her:

“Shun is always at work on time with a big smile. She has an amazing attitude and is always positive. Shun is willing to help and work as a team in any line she is assigned to. Everyone loves working around Shun. She is a great worker and we love having her as part of our team.”

We asked Shun to answer a few questions about YES. Here’s what she told us.

1. How did you find out about YES? I heard about YES staffing from friends and family. They said it was a great company to work for so I decided to come and apply.

2. What’s been your favorite job through YES? This is the only job I have had with YES. I love how YES treats employees. I love my job.

3. What do you think would make YES better? I can’t think of anything. YES is great. Everyone is so nice and helpful.

4. What would you tell someone looking into working with YES? Go for it! YES is a great company. Everyone will love it as much as I do.

Shun was awarded a thank-you certificate and YES shirt for her great work. Thanks again Shun for being a part of the hard-working Salt Lake City, Utah staffing team at Your Employment Solutions!