What Makes Working at YES Different?

your employment solutionsWhat Makes Working at Your Employment Solutions Different?

Working for Your Employment Solutions has been such an amazing learning experience. I have learned so much being a part of this team.

The Company Owners Work Alongside Us

It all starts with the owners. They truly care for each and every one of us here! It makes coming to work each and everyday enjoyable and not a chore. I don’t think I have ever once had to force myself to get to work. The owners of Your Employment Solutions accept each and every one of us for whom we are and what we specifically to bring to the table. They realize that not everyone is the same and that we all have strengths that outweigh weaknesses–and bringing everyone’s strengths and weaknesses together is what makes this company the way it is.

A Positive Work Culture

With the owners having such great attitudes towards everyone–I believe that helps makes us as account mangers feed off their positive energy.

fun work culture
Also, we like to have fun!

We treat everyone that comes through this door to the best of our abilities, just like the owners do. We try and help everyone we can with the jobs we have to work with; we even give people second opportunities all the time.

A temporary worker isn’t just a temp worker to us, they are the reason each and everyone one of US at YES has a job. They are the most important part of the work we do here at Your Employment Solutions. If we treat our job applicants and employees right and make them feel truly important, then they are going to do that in return for us when we send them out to work for a client.

Stretch for Success

My current role at Your Employment Solutions is to help people find and keep good Utah employment opportunities each and everyday. I try to push myself to learn new things and to grow out of my comfort zone, and I am given the freedom to do so. We are given stretch goals to push ourselves and it really is up to us to push ourselves! I have learned that if someone has a great attitude (a success-oriented attitude) they will make it far with Your Employment Solutions.

It takes yourself to run yourself out of this wonderful company. And who would ever want to do that?

value peopleYES Values People

Working for Your Employment Solutions, I have learned the value of each and every person around me. Everyone is great in his or her own way. And judging or comparing ourselves to other people won’t get us far in life. Everyone has flaws; no one is perfect.

I think that is the biggest thing I have been taught here at Your Employment Solutions is if you work hard, seek good opportunities, and don’t compare yourself to others will go far in life. It really is up to you to succeed. Your Employment Solutions is just a company giving you and I the opportunity to do so.

If you are ever given an opportunity to work for this company, it’s a good one to take. You will learn so many values in life that you didn’t know before, you will get to see this world from other perspectives, you will get to help people who are struggling to receive second chances, you will even see some succeed, and it will only make you want to help more people around you and give those second chances more often.

Danielle Freideman
Account Manager | Ogden, Utah Office
Your Employment Solutions

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