Focus and Concentration

What Are We Paying Attention To These Days?

Over the past couple of weeks and months I have been involved in various meetings and experiences where the topic of focus/concentration has come to the forefront. It has stirred in me some thoughts and forced me to consider my own ability to give of myself and truly focus on other people.

We are so constantly inundated with new technology, social media posts, information overload, and a long list of “to do’s” in life that it is a challenge to concentrate or focus on about anything.

I had an experience when I was talking with a co-worker and during our conversation I found myself leaning over to my computer and working on a spreadsheet while I was listening to them or pretending to do so.

How rude and inconsiderate! During that short time I couldn’t give my full attention and truly listen to their needs and wants. What did I miss or miss out on because I didn’t listen or give priority to our conversation?

In all we do we will be far more productive and caring with a little focus/concentration. From staffing, to hobbies, to school, or our relationships with people; if we will develop the skill of focus and concentration we will be far better off.

Staffing is the people business. Individuals expect and deserve specific attention/focus when we try to help them find a job. Employees and co-workers will feel our care and concern for them, and in return will be better at what they do.

I have learned that life will be fuller and more rewarding when I take the time to give all my attention to whatever person or activity I am engaged with.

Sometimes multi-tasking isn’t really all that great of a skill-set.

Kerry Westenskow
Vice President
Your Employment Solutions

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