Grandma’s Job Rules

grandma's job rules

How Grandma’s Rules Could Land You A Job

During one’s life we are taught some very valuable lessons. Sure Mom and Dad always had great advice for us and helped us to learn how to cook and clean as well as keep our hands to ourselves. However, nothing compares to the visits to Grandma’s house and the life altering guidance and pot roast of which she always seemed to have an endless supply.

In thinking about the many interviews I’ve conducted with applicants throughout my time at Your Employment Solutions, I always try to think of ways to better help my them prepare for future interviews. As I’ve pondered the great job interviews and compared them with the not so great, it almost always comes back to the things my grandma taught me.

There are four in particular I find at the time I just thought she was being critical but actually hold a lot of water as it pertains to making a good impression on your potential employer.


I must have been told this at just about every Sunday Dinner at Grandma’s. If there’s anything that improves a person’s attention span, how they carry themselves or just plain ole posture – it’s sitting up straight. Sitting up straight forces you to hold your chin up and appear more professional to recruiters. It also shows you’re interest level in the job and dialogue alike.

Grandma’s Job Rules #2 BE RESPECTFUL!

Let’s face it, “Respect your elders!” might as well be in bold on a neon banner that hangs from the patio at Grandma’s house. The interesting thing is, she isn’t ONLY referring to people older than you. She is referring to anybody of superiority, and, if I may, my grandma would extend that respect to any human being.

Disrespect doesn’t necessarily mean saying something demeaning to another person. In my opinion the most disrespectful thing somebody can do in an interview is call, text or play on their phone. This is all but telling the Interviewer that you really could care less about the job or what they are saying.

Remember to keep in mind that everybody has a “Personal Bubble.” For some people that might be quite large, and to some people it might only cover their left leg. It’s important to treat everybody as if they have a large bubble. Others know this as “Personal Space.” It’s very disrespectful to encroach on that area without an invitation. This could be getting too close physically, placing your items on, leaning on, or touching things on the interviewer’s desk.

Make sure you keep your hands to yourself and act professional.

#3 Grandma says “DRESS APPROPRIATELY!”

I know we all love to poke fun at Grandma’s interesting plaid, animal character or floral print clothing that have more layers than a Snicker’s Bar. However, It’s all about meeting expectations. We can all expect Grandma showing up to a professional event wearing her best dress, blouse and your great grandmother’s prized broach from 1890.

But, it shows her effort in presenting herself in a good way.

Within the first few seconds a recruiter can tell whether or not you’ll be a good fit for certain jobs. Most people want to ensure that they receive the best job opportunity, but don’t realize they limit themselves based on their choice of clothing to an interview. Most professional interviews expect their candidates to show up in a suit for men, or a nice modest dress for women.

For some, that may not be an option. In such cases it would be appropriate to wear a clean collar or polo shirt with a pair of clean slacks for men, and a skirt with a clean top for women. Showing effort with your appearance tells an employer that you care about yourself and, in turn, will reflect the same care in your work.

Never show up wearing dirty clothes or an un-showered body. Odors caused from lack of hygiene are FAR more offensive than anything a person could wear- this also pertains to your breath.

Grandma’s Job Tips #4 ACT LIKE AN ADULT!

I’m pretty sure I got told this more than any person that ever lived. My grandma believed that you were to act like an adult from the moment you were able to talk. Mind your P’s and Q’s, don’t mumble, speak up when spoken to, act mature and say what you want to say.

The hardest thing for a recruiter to do is crack the code of a person who is shy. We’re here to help you! Your Employment Solutions works with numerous companies and hires for multiple jobs from South Jordan to Logan, Utah.

Our goal is to provide an opportunity for you to grow with a company and further your career. If you don’t tell us what you’re looking for, then chances are we won’t be able to provide you with that opportunity.

Always act professional. It is inappropriate to bring friends or family into your interview with you unless you need translation. If you have children, it is preferred that you find a sitter for them before arriving to your interview. Your friend/spouse or children can be distracting to the interviewer as well as yourself. By coming alone you are showing you are independent and able to focus on your work as well as avoid distractions.

In Conclusion…

These four rules may sound like no brainers. However, I have personally conducted interviews in which one, if not all, of these rules had been broken. I would encourage all that are preparing to interview for jobs to use the rule of thumb, “Avoid anything that could cause a distraction” when preparing for your interview.

Treat every interview as a learning experience and try to practice before hand so that you might to continually get better.

Jace Barraclough
Your Employment Solutions

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