Happy Holidays from YES!

The Holidays are the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

At Your Employment Solutions we’re big fans of the holiday season. From Thanksgiving on to the end of the year, there are so many great days to celebrate with family, friends, and all of our loved ones.  We love the mindset of goodness that a lot of people plug into this time of year.

Why Does Your Employment Solutions Love the Holidays?

One of our company’s core values is to give back. Your Employment Solutions main focus is on helping people find jobs in Utah, but we don’t stop there. We believe strongly in being an active participant in our community and the concept of giving back is a vital part of that belief. The holidays offer us a great opportunity to volunteer, step up, and stay true to that concept.

For example, did you know that YES is partnered internationally with a group called Amigos of Honduras? Amigos of Honduras is a charitable organization that benefits the good people of that country by helping bring clean water to some of the less developed areas.

Your Employment Solutions and The Salvation Army

your employment solutions salvation army

Here in Utah, Your Employment Solutions has partnered with a number of organizations over the years that share the mission of giving back. This Holiday season, we have worked closely with the Salvation Army to help raise money for those in need.

You know all those red kettles and bell ringers you see outside of grocery stores and shopping centers? Those kettles bring in millions of dollars in Utah and throughout the nation every year to help people have a better Holiday season.

Yes, millions.

I was shocked to learn that. Millions of dollars are raised from people’s pocket change! These donations go to aid needy families, seniors, and the homeless.

The Salvation Army uses these donations to provide Christmas dinners, clothing, toys, and more for all types of families in need.

Volunteers distribute gifts to shut-ins in hospitals, nursing homes, and shelters. These places are also open for sit-down dinners.

What a great mission! The Salvation Army endeavors to bring spiritual light and love to those it serves during the Holidays so that the real meaning of the season is not forgotten.

This year, Your Employment Solutions helped organize and work the bell-ringing stations. Many bell ringers are volunteers, and many of the YES employees volunteered their time (and their family’s time) to help raise money in the cold Utah weather!

Here are a few great pictures from our experience:
your employment solutions salvation army

My Salvation Army Experience

I personally took my whole family to help volunteer, and I cannot adequately describe how impressed I was by the giving nature of people in Utah. One passerby thought my wife looked cold standing outside ringing the Salvation Army bell, and as that passerby exited the store she handed my wife a new scarf that she had purchased just for her to help keep warm. It was a wonderful, caring gesture from one stranger to another. That’s why I’m a big fan of the Holidays. People are good.

People are good all year round, but this time of year offers a bit of a spotlight to shine on that.

Happy Holidays from YES!

On behalf of Your Employment Solutions, I want to say, “Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas, Joyful Festivus, and Happy Holidays” to you. No matter how you celebrated this year, we wish you happiness and joy.

I also want to personally thank Your Employment Solutions and the Salvation Army for giving me the opportunity to volunteer and give back a little to those in need. It was a wonderful experience to witness first-hand the goodness of others.

In closing, I want to share with you a news story KSL recently did on one the people the Salvation Army benefits. The story highlights the efforts of a Utah man and his mission to give back. I believe it is a great example for all of us.

Happy Holidays!
Eric Nelson
Marketing Manager
Your Employment Solutions

“I help connect Utah jobseekers to Utah jobs.”


P.S. Be sure to visit our Utah job board!