Congratulations! You rocked the interview and got the job! Are you excited for your first day of work? YES! You should be!
Now, what preparations should you make to have a successful first day at work? In my experience working with Your Employment Solutions (YES), a positive first day at a new job is a huge priority that all new hires want to have. Let’s go over some helpful preparation tips that will help make a positive first impression with your new employer, for not only a successful first day—but also an amazing second day—leading you into a triumphant career in the months to follow.

First Day of Work Tip 1: Get Some Sleep
First day excitement (and sometimes jitters) is common amongst many new hires. How you show up on your first day will set the first impression to your manager or supervisor as well as your co-workers and colleagues. But don’t stress it! You got this!
Make sure you get enough sleep the night before. You want to be well rested. 7-8 hours of quality sleep is the goal! Set your alarm to allow plenty of time to eat a meal, get ready, and commute to work.
First Day of Work Tip 2: Dress Correctly
Make sure you choose the right clothing for your new job! Whether you’re in a warehouse, an office setting, or even working from home—you want to dress appropriately and professionally. Make sure to go over the dress code required for your new position! Not following the dress code policy can potentially have the employer send you home to change clothes and that would not be great for their time or yours.
If you are not sure of the dress code or requirements for your new job, try looking on the company’s website and doing a bit of research. You can always reach out to any of the friendly recruiters at YES about what to wear if you’re not sure. We’re here to help you be successful! It’s always best to be a bit over dressed then under dressed. Planning your outfit the night before can save you a lot of time.

First Day of Work Tip 3: Be Punctual
Leave your home with plenty of time to get to your new office. Whether you’re driving yourself, carpooling, or using public transportation—your goal is to arrive to work 10-15 minutes early. This will help alleviate stress and anxiety that comes from rushing to make it on time.
Map out the commute the night before using Google maps or Apple maps. Make sure you use the desired arrival time feature to plan ahead. Arriving late on your first day will set things on the wrong foot. Nobody wants that!
First Day of Work Tip 4: Show Positivity!
It pays off to always look on the sunny side of life. A positive mindset is key. Always expect the best and always give your best. When it comes to meeting new people, we all like to be greeted with a smile to feel welcomed. That goes both ways. When introducing yourself to your supervisors and co-workers make sure to smile and be kind. No one wants to work with a grouch, and you want to make the best first impression you can.
Do your best to remember names of the people you meet. When you meet someone new, say their name back to them. Try to make an association with their name and face in your head. Being attentive to names/faces will definitely help with your co-workers perspective of you. Do your best to stay positive, and to avoid gossip or drama. Lastly, remember everyone you meet at your job has had a first day of their own at some point, so they know what you’re going through. If your coworkers see that you’re making real effort to learn, they’ll make an effort to help you as well.

First Day of Work Tip 5: Ask Questions
Every job is different and even if you’ve worked in a similar role with a previous employer there will always be new processes and rules to learn. Sometimes new job training can be standardized, and everyone learns differently so don’t be afraid to ask questions! It’s best to ask 100 questions then to have 100 doubts. Never assume you know, and don’t make guesses. Clear communication is a key to success in all areas of life.
Asking questions is important but retaining information is also necessary, so take notes when you can. Your new employer won’t expect you to be an expert at your new role on your first day, but they will want you to show eagerness to learn. Although it would not be a good impression if they need to repeat themselves multiple times with the same subject. Again, you can take a notepad and write down the key points in training.
First Day of Work Tip 6: Do the Work!
We already discussed the importance of arriving 10-15 minutes early, but it’s equally important to make sure you are there for your entire shift. One key to really impressing your new employer is to be productive for the entire shift. This is especially true If you want to earn a raise or progress in the organization.
Always be productive. This helps prove your worth! Take appropriate breaks when needed, but stay busy otherwise, look for something helpful to do during downtime or try to learn new skills. If you’ve completed an assigned task, take initiative and ask your supervisor for a new one. Doing this will show your worth, your dedication, and your value!

Final Thoughts For Your First Day
We’re as excited for your first day as you are! All of YES is rooting for you to be successful! And you will be so long as you show up well rested, on time, wearing the right gear, and with a positive can-do attitude. Remember to communicate clearly, ask appropriate questions, and be productive!
You got this. Expect the best!
Alicia Feliciano
YES West Valley Staffing Branch Manager
Your Employment Solutions