How To Get Hired at a Staffing Agency

Getting Hired at a Staffing Agency is Easy!

Some people wonder if working with a staffing agency is a difficult or a time-consuming headache where you apply and then wait weeks to get assigned somewhere. But the truth is the application process is simple and in some cases at Your Employment Solutions we can make you a job offer the same day you apply.

now hiring employmentAnother question that often comes up is whether or not staffing agencies charge employees to work with them. The answer is no. Reputable staffing agencies do not charge the employees any fees. See this post to find out more about how staffing agencies work.

Is work at staffing agencies only short-term and temporary? Should you look elsewhere if you want a job that will last? The truth is there are lots of long-term and permanent opportunities via staffing. Most companies use staffing agencies as a foot in the door opportunity. Typically you will see a 90-day probation period. Use that time to excel and show your value to the company and you could find yourself hired on permanently.

Finally, some people ask if companies that work with staffing agencies treat staffing workers like second-class people? While it’s true that not every company does a great job at valuing it’s workers, at YES we try to build partnerships with our clients and give advice and suggestions to make sure each employee is working in a positive and safe environment.

So How Do You Get a Job With a Staffing Agency?

Getting hired at Your Employment Solutions is easy!

  • Step 1: Visit our online job board at
  • Step 2: Once you find the job that’s right for you, fill out the online application!
  • Step 3: Come into one of our offices and interview with one of our recruiters or account managers!
  • Step 4: If all goes well in the interview, accept a job offer and go to work!

Our goal at Your Employment Solutions is to connect the right person to the right job. If you or someone you know is looking for work, visit us online, or in person at any of our locations.

We’d love to help you find your employment solution!

Cheers to Utah Jobs!
Eric Nelson

Director of Marketing
Your Employment Solutions
“I help connect Utah jobseekers to Utah jobs.”

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