Improving Your Hiring Process

If you are a business leader, you are tasked with the important ongoing responsibility of hiring. This time-consuming process has both monetary and reputational consequences if you choose the wrong person. You need to take time to find a good fit for your company, but in order to do this you need a successful hiring process that attracts high-quality people.

Here are our tips on improving your hiring process:

Write good job descriptions

The way your job posting is written can discourage great candidates from applying. Sometimes companies write detailed descriptions with long lists of responsibilities and requirements, but this has been found to alienate qualified employees. Put more focus on what your company can do for potential employees and you’ll attract the candidates who fit your needs.

Embrace social media and the digital world

Most people want to work for digitally savvy organizations. This means businesses need to stay ahead of the curve to retain and attract employees. Make sure your career site is mobile-friendly, as a large percentage of people use their smartphone for job searching.

Pay attention to soft skills

Skills can be acquired but personalities cannot. Soft skills like interpersonal skills, communication s kills, thought processes and emotional intelligence is essential for an effective workplace. Necessary experience is good, but social intelligence is also important.

Check social media profiles

You’ll probably do a background check, but if you don’t look through someone’s social media profiles, you’re missing out on valuable information. Don’t let a candidate’s social media activity factor into your hiring decisions, but it can definitely give you a better picture of who they are.

Match the personality to the job

A candidate’s personality is important to consider. Someone who has empathy is more suited to be a nurse or social worker than a tax attorney or computer programmer. Even if someone has the skills for a job, it might not match their personality type.

Ask the right questions

Ask someone why they left their last job. If they blame someone else, follow up with another question. Good questions to ask are things like “Where are you going to be 10 years from now?” or “What drives you to get up in the morning?” These questions can tell you a lot about a candidate’s drive and ambition.

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