Job Hopping Damages Employment Prospects

Job Hopping Damages Employment Prospects #Infographic #Job

We came across this infographic on Pinterest and couldn’t help but share it with all of you!  Some people might already understand this concept, but we happen to see a lot of resumes featuring endless job hopping – and it’s a problem.

According to a study released last year by TheLadders a recruiter spends an average of six seconds reviewing most resumes.  This is due to an inbox full of resumes and a recruiter trying to match the exact qualifications necessary for the job they are hiring for.  In addition, recruiters don’t have unlimited time to spend filling the position – because of this, they are typically looking at a few key factors that can tell them a lot of information, and quickly.

One such “checkpoint” is that of job hopping.  When hiring for a long term position, an employer wants to see an employee who has a history of sticking on a job.  This is because when you are hired, the company spends ample time, money, and resources training and it’s typically more reassuring of a potential hire that they have experience staying on a job.  That tells the employer they won’t be wasting their time and resources hiring someone who will be gone in just a month or two!

If you have job hopped in the past, try to make an effort to stop the habit now.  In addition, when creating your resume, you’ll need to list things a little differently than you would with long term positions you held.  A great resource is to take a resume class or even meet with a recruiter to have them help you with your resume – that way, you will be able to create a resume and an appealing record of your job history.