Job-Hopping in Staffing

job hopperIs JOB-HOPPING GOOD or BAD for STAFFING? Yes, both.

There is a significant discrepancy in the perception of job-hopping depending on who you talk with. Most millennials don’t seem to have concerns, and instead focus on the possible benefits. On the other hand, most hiring managers and supervisors tend to focus on the challenges it would cause them and their employer.

There is possibility this perception could change as millennials begin to step into roles and begin making hiring decisions but, for now, there are pros and cons as discussed below:

Job-Hopping Pros

An employee that has worked with multiple companies will be aware of different policies and procedures and how to implement those in a new setting. While specific SOPs for production may not be transferable, departments like Safety, IT, Warehouse, Continuous Improvement, Management, etc can benefit significantly from best practices from other companies/industries.

A candidate that has held multiple positions will often be more comfortable and open to change and more likely to be actively involved in Continuous Improvement efforts. Experience in multiple companies or industries also makes someone with a diverse background a valuable resource for their ability to network with individuals and companies with whom they already have a relationship, not to mention the skills, certifications, or experience gained.

Job-Hopping Cons

There has long been a hesitation for most companies (outside of staffing) to hire individuals with multiple employers in a short time span. This hesitation is particularly prominent in positions that require a high level of education or significant amounts of training before a new employee can be productive without direct supervision (Healthcare, Consulting, Accounting, Management).

If an employer is forced to reduce their workforce, the newest employee is most likely to be laid off. While experience in multiple industries and companies can be a huge benefit, if the employee didn’t end on good terms, give notice or burned bridges when leaving previous employers not only do they lack contacts, they will also lack any endorsements or references. A pattern of short employment could also indicate a prospects loyalty is determined only by wage.

job hopping in staffingJob-Hopping in Staffing

In the staffing world job hopping is both essential and infuriating.

The staffing industry works with a demographic that exhibits a higher than average turnover. The difficulty this poses to companies, both financially and logistically, is a significant motivator to use staffing agencies. For us, it then becomes a frustrating source of job security . . .

If candidates were not “job-hopping” they would not be available to be our employees or fill any of our positions, and without people to fill positions we would very quickly lose clients. While it is our mission at Your Employment Solutions to “deliver the right person on time the first time,” there is the distinct possibility it takes a few attempts before they find the right company or shift or coworkers or situation where they feel comfortable and have the desire to excel.

Seth Hopkin
On-Site HR Manager – Ogden, UT
Your Employment Solutions

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