Laura’s Resume Recipe

Putting Your Best Foot Forward in the Job Search

Is it just me, or was interviewing WAY easier when you were six-years-old and really the only question ever asked was, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Even better, the only requirements for almost any answer given was making sure you were getting good grades, and listening to your mom and dad, am I right?

Looking back on my many aspirations as a young one I have to say now, and I quote my inner thought bubbles, “GIRL, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?” How could I have let my dream die of becoming a Disney Channel super star? I mean I really was shooting for the stars–setting standards HIGH growing up with that one.

In all honesty though, I hated being asked this question! I never want my own personal ambitions to be questioned, looked down on, or not good enough for someone else’s standards or approval. So, when your ideal career isn’t necessarily defined by a title, how do you properly explain to the world of possible future employers, that all you want to do is make a difference and impact in some shape or form?

Having both my parents as entrepreneurs in business, both have made livings and created a lifestyle from turning what they are truly passionate about, or exceedingly great in, into what we average humans call day to day WORK! … That’s pressure at its finest!

So, getting down to it, I do not have some fancy answer on how to do better in an interview, and unfortunately a magic wand doesn’t exist (yet) to ensure your resume is the only one that stands out to the numerous employers you will send it out to.

So, what I will share is what I have found that makes me fall in-love with reading and reviewing a resume!!

Laura’s Resume Recipe:

  1. 1 Cup – Creativity
  2. 2 Cups – Key Information
  3. Fold in a handful of Interests
  4. Whisk some Advancements
  5. Add a dash of EXCITEMENT

Resumes mean business, but find a way to put your unique personality into it! No two people are the same, so amplify what sets you apart by adding in personal interests. Find what you feel you excel in and HIGHLIGHT the crap out of it!

Organize Yourself! Even if that means doing draft after draft compiling your abilities and achievements until they sound perfect and flow together! The way you see and portray yourself MATTERS! Write and carry yourself with confidence!

Don’t use “BIG” words if they don’t apply to you … even more so, don’t use them if you don’t know what they mean.

SUPPORT your critic and SUPPORT your fan! Meaning, if they don’t think you’re the best fit for the job, THEIR loss, not YOURS! But a good interviewer will ALWAYS find something to applaud you for, so take that support and let that fuel you for your next interview!

Strangers can be the most impactful people, don’t forget that! Don’t let fear overpower your MAGIC! I had a manager once say her boss would eat me alive because I turn BRIGHT RED when I’m nervous, and when my bright red self finally met him, I smiled because he shared the same character flaw.

With all that being said, we often carry the feeling that what sets us apart is our burden of not fitting in, or being “wanted.” We have to change our mindset. Because what sets us apart is what makes us great, it’s what makes us unique!

And always remember, a STRONG resume and interview for that matter requires commitment, not a miracle!

Laura Lafeen
West Jordan Staffing Branch Manager
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