Creating Effective Leadership

If you had to “draw” leadership, what would it look like?

effective leadershipAfter a year of interviews, data-mining, employee surveys, and over 10,000 management behavior observations, Google came up with the top 8 steps in creating an effective leader. Starting from the most important (1) and working towards the least important (8), Google found that most managers spend a majority of their time on the last step.

Step 1: Be a good coach

Provide specific, constructive feedback, balancing the negative and the positive.
Have regular one-on-ones, presenting solutions to problems tailored to your employees’ specific strengths.

Step 2: Empower your team and DON’T micromanage

Balance giving freedom to your employees, while maintaining an open door policy for advice.

Step 3: Express interest in team members’ success and personal well-being

Get to know your employees as people, with lives outside of work.
Make new members of the team feel welcome.

Step 4: Don’t be a sissy: Be productive and results-oriented

Focus on what employees want the team to achieve and how they can help achieve it.
Help the team prioritize work and use seniority to remove roadblocks.

Step 5: Be a good communicator and listen to your team

Communication is a two way street.
Encourage open dialogue and listen to the issues and concerns of your employees.

leader vs bossStep 6: Help your employees with career development

Career development isn’t about just being promoted, it’s about growth, acquiring, learning, and sharing expertise.

Step 7: Have a clear vision and strategy for the team.

In the midst of turmoil, keep the team focused!
Involve the team in setting and evolving the team’s vision and making progress towards it.

Step 8: Have key technical skills so you can help advise the team.

Roll up your sleeves and conduct work side by side with the team.
Understand specific challenges of the work.

Effective leadership is not based on experience, although it does help. An effective leader who can help promote, lead by example, share experiences, and knowledge defines a leader. Focus on the most important step, Be A Good Coach and work your way towards the remaining 7 steps to effective leadership.

Jordon Cissna
Account Manager | Ogden, Utah Staffing Office
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