If I Could Make A Living

“If I could make a living out of lovin’ you, I’d be a millionaire in a week or two…”

As I was thinking about the topic of this article I couldn’t help but remember a song by the country artist Clay Walker, “If I Could Make A Living.” In the song the artist compares loving a woman to working a job. He basically says that if he were paid for loving the woman, then he would be a millionaire in a short amount of time.

Wouldn’t it be great if we all loved our jobs as much as Clay Walker loves his woman? We might not all become millionaires but we certainly would be a lot happier and more productive in how we make a living.

Do You Love What You Do?

We have all heard the saying that if you do what you love then it’s not work. I’ve heard people say this since I was a kid and I think it’s true. I also think that doing something that we love can sometimes become mundane and painful. I believe that every job has some task or process that makes us roll our eyes and clinch our teeth. But, since it is our job we don’t have a choice.

How I Choose to Make a Living

I am the Finance Manager at Your Employment Solutions and I love my job. Yes, there are some things about it that are extremely boring and mundane. But I have been working on overcoming the temptation and urge to procrastinate the mundane tasks that I do.

Below is a list of helpful ways to stay on task and get things done, no matter how boring and mundane they are.

make a livingWays to Make a Living And Not Get Bored:

  • Use each new day as a challenge to do things better than before.
    • Make it a competition with yourself to do things better, faster, and more efficient. Time yourself on how long it takes to complete tasks. Double check your work to minimize mistakes and try to improve each day.
  • Eliminate distractions.
    • Be honest with yourself. You know what things are going to distract you from getting the job done. If its Facebook, then log out of your account so that it makes it harder to log back in. Then if you are tempted to log back in you know you shouldn’t be on the log in screen in the first place.
  • Make a check list.
    • Take time at the end of each day and make a to do list for the next day. Start with the most important thing and work your way down the list. Commit in your mind that you will not do anything else until the list is complete.

I strongly believe that you can turn any job into a passion. You just have to have to right attitude and the right work ethic. You can do it, I believe in you. You can make a good living.

The point of all this is to love what you do.

Maybe no one will get anything out of this article. Or maybe it will inspire someone to quit their job and pursue a job in a field they truly love. Then they will make millions of dollars and one day look me up and say, “Thanks Trevor, I know this million dollars will never come close to repaying you for helping me change my life, but please take it anyway.”

I will be forced to accept and start singing, “If I Could Make a Living.”

Trevor Hansen
Finance Manager
Your Employment Solutions

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Did you know Utah is listed by Forbes as one the 10 best states to make a living? Check out our list of currently available Utah jobs here.

Also, here’s a great article by one of my co-workers on how to make a living and LOVE what you do.