Mentoring Employees

Mentoring Employees to Become More Self-Directed and Internalized

The mission of Your Employment Solutions is to deliver the right job candidates to our clients, or the right person to the right job. In order for us to do so we strive to provide excellent customer service and operate at a level where all our staff is “self-directed and internalized” to the success of that mission.

Part of being self-directed is going through a consistent process of self-evaluation.

At my job I must ask myself questions like, “How truly dedicated am I to YES’ success? Do I know and understand YES’ mission? Why is it important?”

The answers to these questions help me rate myself on how internalized I am with my company. But these questions aren’t specific to YES employees. Any employee at any business can (and should) assess their own dedication to the success of the job or company.

Do you want someone to remember you for how much you helped the company? Or for how much you hindered it?

How Can We Know If We Are “Internalized?”

Here are a few tips to help you:

  • Take ownership and are accountable for desired results.
  • Are actively engaged in taking initiative with confidence.
  • Operate from personal values which are aligned with your company’s values.
  • Have high energy, passion, and enthusiasm.
  • Have a strong commitment to your company, work group, and role.
  • Be competent to deliver what is expected.

How many of these “suggestions” do you match up with? What can you do today to fix the things you’re lacking? As they say, don’t put off for tomorrow what can be done today.

Becoming internalized and self-directed isn’t always as easy a process as just asking yourself the above questions. Sometimes we need a leader, or a helping hand to show us the way. It is here, where the concept of mentorship comes into play.

What Does It Mean To Be A Mentor?

A mentor is defined as a guide who can help you find the right direction and who can help you to develop solutions to career issues. Mentors rely on similar experiences from their own personal experience to be able to empathize with new employees.

“Mentors help fill your knowledge gaps and seek opportunities to help you grow and excel. A mentor is someone with whom you can let down your guard, share your insecurities, and ask the ‘stupid’ questions we all have sometimes.” – FORBES MAGAZINE

How Should We Mentor?

I asked the leaders of Your Employment Solutions if they could give 3 suggestions on how we should mentor, what would they be? Here is what they said:

Reed Laws, President:

  • Level of responsibility –allow them to grow, let them show and utilize their own skills.
  • Listen and be willing to use their ideas for the good of the company.
  • Give them a full toolbox to utilize their skills.

Jarum Stone, Safety Manager:

  • Make sure we are internalized ourselves and that our goals are in line with the company’s goals. Know the delegation model.
  • Be trustworthy. An employee we can’t completely trust will never be fully internalized.
  • Get passionate about what you do!

Kerry Westenskow, Vice President:

  • Know what YES stands for and be able to communicate it clearly.
  • Be the person you want them to become. Practice what you preach.
  • Be open and available. They need to feel they can come to you at anytime with any question and know you will give them 100% of your attention. ALWAYS FOLLOW UP.

Remember, everyone has to start somewhere. If you look back in all your experience you’ll come to realize that there was not a moment when you figured out something on your own. Being a mentor doesn’t mean being a manager, supervisor, or even thinking you’re superior to someone else. Being a mentor is about helping.

My challenge to everyone that reads this is to look for those opportunities to mentor someone. Don’t do it with an, “I know more than you” approach. Before you help someone, think of what you’re going to say and how you’re going to say it and then do it! Don’t just do it because it’s expected of you, do it because you want to see that person and YES (or your company) succeed! Be passionate about what you do and that passion will inspire others to do the same.

“A [great] mentor is honest and unafraid to tell you hard truths about yourself and your work. They help you navigate the politics of your organization or profession, and avoid the land mines. They push you to take risks and aim higher, and advocates for you when you’re not there.” – Pamela Ryckman

Chris Walker
On-Site Manager | North Salt Lake, Utah
Your Employment Solutions

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