Why Your Personal Brand Matters

How Your Personal Brand Affects All Areas of Your Life

When Bruce Wayne returned to Gotham City after being away for nine years, he had the opportunity to re-brand himself to those who hadn’t seen him since he was a kid.

Bruce chose to adopt the persona of a billionaire playboy living in Bruce Manor but then ran into childhood friend, Rachel Dawes. In a moment of longing, he appealed to Rachel that time had not changed him but rather, he was still the same great kid she had known years ago.

Unfortunately for Bruce, he had done quite well in his rebranding and Rachel saw him for who he was at that moment, not who he had been in the past.

She said, “Deep down you may still be that same great kid you used to be. But it’s not who you are underneath, it’s what you do that defines you.”

That being said, I firmly believe that we need to be continually improving and that we don’t have to be defined by who we were but rather, by who we are (even though it played to Bruce’s disadvantage to some extent).

It seems counterintuitive then to think that when applying for a job, who you were can often be more important than who you are. The good news, though, is that when writing your resume, you have the opportunity to brand yourself.

That being said, it is incredibly important to carefully and thoughtfully decide how you want to be portrayed.

Your Resume Reflects Your Personal Brand

In staffing, I see a lot of resumes. They come in all shapes and sizes.

Some applicants choose to list every job they’ve had for the last twenty years. Some list work experience that has nothing to do with the job they’re applying for.

Others take the time necessary to research the job they’re applying for and adapt their resume and cover letter to show that they are the right candidate for the position. This is what all serious applicants should do, even though it will require more time.

Accuracy in All Things, Including…

Most importantly, be sure to also take more time to proofread what you write! One little mistake can make a big impact on your ability to get a job.

Don’t believe me? Check out this applicant’s response to a forklift job.

cover letter typo

Based only on this email, Aaron very well may have the necessary work experience for any forklift job that might be available (it sounds like he might even have experience that most forklift drivers don’t!).

Think about this though, if another applicant has the same experience but is more professional in their presentation and able to be more organized or error-free, who would you choose?

When applying for jobs, you will be considered against others with similar experience and abilities and writing a good resume and cover letter can only help.

My Final Job Application Tips


  • Make sure your resume is concise, to the point, and keep your resume to one page.
  • Highlight relevant work experience.
  • Adapt your resume and cover letter to each job.
  • Be professional, no matter what kind of job you are applying for.
  • Proofread everything!

Bryan Groll
Account Manager | Logan Office
Your Employment Solutions

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