How Not to Fail in Staffing

There are numerous reasons people fail in staffing…

To help you avoid becoming one of them, here are some examples of why.

how to succeed in staffingTemp Job Mentality

The most significant reason people fail in staffing is that they are not utilizing staffing agencies properly. There is a huge misconception that staffing agencies are temp agencies, when that is far from the truth. Temp agencies in the past have been somewhere that people can go to find temporary work or day jobs. A staffing agency’s goal is to find people long term/temp-hire work. When you have someone that is just looking for temporary work, they will definitely fail at a staffing agency. These certain employees become unreliable and eventually burn their bridges.

Poor Communication

Another reason people fail in staffing is not giving proper notice when you no longer want the job or by just walking off the job. We know certain jobs aren’t for everyone and we do our best to pre-screen before-hand so that doesn’t happen but you never really know until you get there and actually start working.

When this happens, we ask that people follow proper procedures, which at YES is done by putting in 48 hour notice. When employees fail to do this it not only makes them look bad in our eyes but it makes us as a staffing agency look bad in the eyes of our customers. As does walking off the job. Like I said we make sure we do a very in-depth pre-screening process by giving you every detail of the job, so in my mind there should be absolutely NO reason for anyone to ever walk off a job. When this happens, depending on the circumstances, it could be reason to put the employee on a probation so they understand it is not acceptable. We do know that everyone makes mistakes and are always willing to give people second and even third chances, but after that it becomes apparent that it is no longer a healthy relationship and we might have to cut ties.


Lastly, we here at YES value our relationships with our employees and our clients. Starting from the president of our company down to the newest members of our team, we make sure that we are always ethical and honest. That being said sometimes we have employees that come in wanting a certain job and if that job is not available they ask if we can send them to another job until it becomes available, or they are currently on a job and see another job posted that they might like better and they want to quit that job so we can put them on another. We will not do this. We value every customer big or small and its bad business practice to send someone to a job and have the employer waste their time training that person when their intention is not to stay there.

In the same breath, we want people to improve themselves and their knowledge so if they do see another job that they think might be a better fit, and benefit them in the long run we are willing to give them the chance but you must give your notice on your current job before we will even think about starting any proceedings on the new job opportunity. We want to give everyone the chance to better themselves but it has to be done the right way, the honest and ethical way.

At YES, our goal is to find the best person for the job. We want to find the right job for people to help them succeed in their future, by finding them a place they can get hired on and grow with. Although they may not stay forever, it gives them good experience and hopefully if they stay long enough it will look great on a resume to help them with future employment opportunities.

Andrea Posell
Ogden Staffing Branch Manager
Your Employment Solutions

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