Staffing Employees | Staffing Myths #5

Staffing Myths #5: Staffing Companies Don’t Care About Their Employees

There are many staffing myths that pertain to the Staffing Industry. In this online world of free-flowing information (full of fact and opinion) that can be said about almost every industry. Your Employment Solutions has been Utah’s best choice for staffing services since 1995. A big part of what makes YES the best in our industry is our commitment to being honest and open in business. This policy is embedded into the fabric of our organization from the strong examples of YES’s leaders Reed Laws and Kerry Westenskow.

Continuing in that tradition of honesty and transparency, here is the fifth in a series of staffing myths blog posts meant to clear up any potential staffing myths you might hold. If you’ve ever considered working with a staffing agency, but were unsure about it for any reason, my hope is that these posts clear up any of your doubts.

staffing mythsDo Staffing Companies Care About their Employees?

I can’t speak for all staffing companies, but the people  working at Your Employment Solutions definitely care about the well-being of their employees.

Our staff regularly meets with our employees on the job to make sure they’re being treated well. Any company that doesn’t care about its workforce is a company that won’t last long. Many staffing companies offer a variety of benefits to help make their employee’s lives easier like direct deposit, bonuses, catered lunches and more.

Will I be required to go to a job I don’t want?

No! You’re not required to accept a job offer when you work with a staffing agency.

It is our goal at Your Employment Solutions to match the right person to the right job every time. We don’t want you to go to a job you won’t like any more than you would want to go there. We know if you’re unhappy you won’t stay. Remember, if the position you’re offered is not a good fit, and you are professional about it, the agency might be able to offer you something different that works better – as staffing agencies hire for multiple companies.

How do I know the staffing agency is a good fit?

Do your research. Not all employment staffing agencies are alike. Ask other people who have worked for the staffing agency about their experience. In today’s online world, you can easily find reviews posted on Google, Facebook and other sites.

I hope this post helped answer any questions you might have regarding pay in staffing or at least cleared up some of the more common myths.  Other staffing myths posts in this series cover the topics of employee fees, how staffing looks on your resume, staffing pay, staffing jobs and more.

If I missed anything you’d like to know about, please leave a comment and let me know!

Cheers to Utah Staffing!
Eric Nelson
Marketing Manager
Your Employment Solutions

“I help connect Utah jobseekers to Utah jobs.”

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Check out our entire Staffing Myths Game Show video series on YouTube!