Staffing Expectations vs Staffing Reality

Expectation Can Be a Tough Mark to Hit When Reality Gets Involved

When two people decide to live together there are sometimes certain expectations that each person has for the other. One person might expect to have the dishes done for them, the other person might expect to have their laundry folded a certain way. The list might go on and on but the reality is that if either of these people want their relationship to last, they have to forget about their expectations.

temporary employee expectations
But really, it’s the other way around.

Staffing relationships are much the same, the recruiter and the applicant both have certain expectations they would like the other person to meet. Recruiters try their best to communicate all of their expectations to the applicants but sometimes details are lost in the application and screening process. There are three main expectations that if understood by both recruiters and job applicants will lead to successful job placements.

Staffing Expectation 1: Schedule

The work schedule is often a misunderstood subject. The expectation is sometimes taken for granted. Schedules should be easy! But that’s not always the case. For a temporary employee to understand when they need to be at their new assignment and what their work schedule will be the recruiter needs to understand it first.

The reality is clear communication will always obliterate confusion and cancel out potential schedule mishaps. The more detail the recruiter can provide to a temporary employee about the work schedule the more likely the temp will have success on their first day.

Staffing Expectation 2: Compensation

How much will I get paid? Seems to be the first logical question anytime anyone is starting at a new job. The expectation will often vary, but most pay structures are fairly basic but often times companies implement bonus programs, profit sharing, piece rate wages, etc.

A temporary employee needs to understand these different pay structures and how they work. Companies implement these different pay structures as an incentive for employees to work more efficiently and stay at the company longer. The reality is if the compensation package isn’t communicated clearly the incentive won’t be effective and the employee’s longevity at the company will be compromised.

Staffing Expectation 3: Location

Often the most critical point in setting someone up with a new job is the destination. Seems obvious, right? Expectations frequently do. The piece of information that will help a temporary worker be most successful in starting a job on time is knowing exactly where it is and exactly where (and who) to report to.

The location of their new job should go much deeper than just an address. What happens when they get to the address and there are 5 entry doors to choose from? How will the employee know what door to go in? What if they are too intimidated by starting a new job to ask someone? What if there is no one around to ask? Some applicants might get to the location and not know what door to enter so instead of trying to find out they just turn around and go home. This is the reality of poor communication between the recruiter and temp.

The expectations that recruiters have will always be a tough mark to hit, but there are ways that the temp and the recruiter can be successful: Clear communication. 

Trevor Hansen
Finance Manager
Your Employment Solutions

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