Staffing is a People Business

The People I Have Met in Staffing Are Some of the Best on Earth

Every day in the staffing industry we meet and work with all types of people from all walks of life. It is a great feeling to be able to help those who make an effort to want to work.

Young People Getting Started Use Staffing

I think one of the greatest parts of staffing is the opportunity I get to meet the new generation who comes to us looking for work. These are generally good, energetic people fresh out of high school, and ready to engage in the world, and take a productive role in society. It’s such a good feeling to be able to help them get started in meaningful employment — to get their foot in the door — or on the first rung of the career ladder.

It doesn’t always work out perfectly. Sometimes it is really difficult to find them a good job that fits their particular skill set, but we can at least get them into the work force and show them the ropes.

staffing is a people businessStaffing for People Looking for a Second Chance

In staffing, as in all walks of life, there are people who come along and touch our hearts.

I have always believed in the power of second chances. All of us have made mistakes in life. All of us have gotten to the plate and struck out. Life can throw us a curveball that flies right by our best swings. No one is perfect, and I believe a great recruiter understands this. I believe it’s our duty to work with these people not just because it’s our job, but because it’s the right thing to do.

For example, once I had a gal come in with a great resume looking to apply for a chemist position I had open. Her qualifications matched up perfectly except for one detail: she lacked the college degree in chemistry and that the employer required.

She was very upset as she couldn’t finish school due to like throwing her a curve ball. Unfortunately I couldn’t offer her the job, but I was impressed by what she had shown me. Her positive attitude and dedication to not letting life knock her down just stuck in my head. I really wanted to help her find employment.

A short time later I had the chance to hire for a different position at the same company – even within the same department – just a different job that didn’t require the college degree. She thanked me more times than I could count for not giving up on her!

Situations like this make what I do at work completely worthwhile.

Sometimes all a struggling individual needs is someone to believe in them.  And when that happens, when someone shows faith in their ability, we get a great employee.

I work in staffing because it allows me to not only help others, but to meet and learn from a variety of people.

Not all temporary staffing agencies are alike, but working at Your Employment Solutions provided me with many positive life-changing experiences for me and the people I work with.

SandraMarie Clark
Account Manager | Salt Lake Office
Your Employment Solutions

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