Ahead of the Game: Staffing & Video

Trends in recruiting come and go, but there are also new methods that enhance and update the former, more traditional ways of staffing. One such method Y.E.S. has personally taken advantage of is that of video. According to Alexa Internet, Inc., a subsidiary of Amazon.com, YouTube is the third most visited website on the net, falling short to only Facebook and Google.  In our current market, video is particularly useful to attract those aged 20-30 years old as it has become an increasingly integrated part of the online and digital world.

In an article by Kevin Wheeler of ere.net titled “Why Recruiting Has To Go Video,” he breaks down the ways organizations and companies are using video as a kind of competitive edge, such as: Using video to showcase their company; To post or distribute jobs; To do targeted marketing; To hold career fairs; To interview candidates; For assessment and screening.

What does this mean for Y.E.S.?
According to Wheeler, “Video is rapidly becoming core to recruiting success.” We have been using video as a part of our staffing approach for over a year!  Where most agencies are still using traditional staffing methods, we pride ourselves in being ahead of the game and have seen the ways it benefits our recruiting efforts.  Y.E.S. is consistently thinking one step ahead in order to keep ourselves forward-thinking, modern, and more efficient with a combination of traditional and modern staffing.  This unique approach has allowed us to become the ONLY agency with a certified recruiting process and the Unquestioned Leaders in Customized Staffing.

To learn more about Your Employment Solutions (Y.E.S.), click here.