Stuck in a Job That You Don’t Like?

Tips To Help If You’re Stuck in a Job That You Don’t Like

stuck in a job you don't likeI have been working since I turned 16. There was just something about having my own money to buy what I wanted but mostly it was so I could help my single mom who had always taught me the value of a dollar. I witnessed her struggle on many occasions and wanted to do whatever I could to take away some of that burden.

I remember my first job was working as a bagger at Smith’s. I was so proud of myself and wanted to be the best worker ever, until they told me I had to work on Thanksgiving. “What? You want me to work on Thanksgiving? Aren’t we supposed to be closed and home with our families?!” This would be the first of my many realities of growing up and working in the real world and deciding there were a lot more disappointments being an adult than fun times.

I have not had a ton of jobs because I’ve always tried to stick it out as long as possible but believe me there were many times that I would say why am I still here and then realize, that’s right you have a car payment and adult responsibilities.

Job Advice: Stay or Go?

I definitely would say if you are stuck in a job that you do not like, you need to sit back and evaluate the situation. Figure out why it is that you are unhappy with your current situation before you do something irrational like just walking out that door. Is it really the job or is it you? Do you have a positive mind set, are you trying your hardest, being pro-active, efficient and productive? Sometimes changing your mindset can ultimately be the game changer.

Then there are those times that you have sat back and evaluated and the environment is just not for you or the job you are doing is just not for you. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this. Although, again I will say, don’t be irrational and just walk out the door. Part of being an adult is being a responsible adult. That means you find something different before you just up and quit. Then do your research, to figure out which job it is that is going to make you happy, so you can stick around and grow. You want to find something where you can plant your feet and ultimately grow into a better you. I tell my employees all the time, I know that you probably won’t stay forever but if you can leave here better than when you came, I have done my job.

Don’t Burn Bridges!

evaluate the situationAnd never ever burn bridges. Make sure you give your current employer notice so that they have adequate time to find a replacement. Although they may not be happy that you’re leaving, it’s a lot more understandable when you leave on good terms. Plus, it’s always nice to have great references.

Lastly, don’t ever stay somewhere that makes you totally miserable because you don’t like change. This does not help you physically or mentally. It can take years off of your life, and then ten years later when you’ve finally decided to move on but didn’t because you were scared, you suddenly realize all that you could’ve accomplished. Holding yourself back because you are scared is neither healthy nor productive. You only have one life to live so make it count by being responsible but smart, and most of all HAPPY!

Andrea Posell
Ogden Staffing Branch Manager
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