Winning With Teamwork

The Winning Power of Teamwork

teamworkMichael Jordan once said, “Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.” Apply this ideal to our lives and we learn that teamwork will make us successful everyday.

Very few people don’t have an opportunity to work as a team on a daily basis. If you are employed you have a team, if you are married you are part of a team, if you have any political opinion at all, there is a team out there for you. A team is when two or more people come together to accomplish a goal. It is my opinion that teamwork can make us better at everything that we do.

Let’s take Your Employment Solutions for example. We are a small staffing agency that is growing with the help of our great staff. If every person that works YES doesn’t understand the importance of teamwork and the role they play, then we could not continue to grow and help more people find work. I am able to succeed at YES because the team of co-workers that I have to support me. The teamwork at YES is what makes it an amazing company.

The most important aspect of teamwork is recognizing that there are other people who are better than you at certain tasks. It will be scary at first, because teamwork forces you to rely and trust other people. Once a team gives into the trust that team will become unstoppable.

Do you know what John F. Kennedy meant when he said, “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” He was trying to tell all of us that we are on the same team, that we should be more concerned about what we can do together to make this county great and less concerned about what hand-outs we can get from our government. There is no “I” in team. I promise you will see more success and your life will be a lot less stressful if you learn to work with a team.

tandem teamworkThink of teamwork as tandem bicycle, two people are working together towards a goal. Each person is relying on the other to pull their own weight, even when it seems like one person isn’t able to pull their weight, the other should be there to pick up the extra slack. This is teamwork in it most simple form, where physical effort is felt and appreciated by the other team member. There are teamwork situations where the effort of other members might not be so apparent at first. Trust your team, it’s the only way you will all grow and become better people.

In summary I challenge us all to work smarter and not harder. That means work as a team. We have opportunities to work in a team everyday. Lets learn from those experiences and grow.

Lets become someone that every team wants.

Trevor Hansen
Finance Manager
Your Employment Solutions

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