Going Temp to Full-Time

My Journey from Temp to Full-time YES Employee

utah jobsBeing a newcomer to the Ogden area after living in Salt Lake City for 21 years was really hard. I left the family of my childhood behind for a new start with my own family. I quickly found myself bouncing from job to job to try and provide for my family.

I heard that a call center company was hiring and I looked into it, they sent me to Your Employment Solutions to apply. There, I met with a recruiter and she got me set up for that company. To be honest, it was an easy job, the hours were good in the beginning but they slowly shrunk and I found myself working less than I hoped. I worked there for a few weeks and realized I could not afford rent or pay for anything with minimum wage.

I didn’t give up. I went back to Your Employment Solutions, explained my situation and they sent me to work for a different client that manufactured baked goods. I had never really worked in production before but decided to give it a try. I attended the orientation, they set me up and had me ready to start, but then the ovens then broke down and I was not able to work. Days went by, even weeks and still no work.

I was getting impatient being without a job. I got on the DWS website and saw that Your Employment Solutions was hiring for a temp receptionist. I decided to apply, sent in my resume and within hours I received a phone call. The branch manager called me to set up an interview! I remember it was a Friday. I went in for an interview and I was really nervous I did not really think I did a very good job, but they called me that day at around 3pm and told me I got the job!

I was super excited, they had me start right away on the following Monday and it was honestly the best day ever. I ran the reception area while the permanent YES receptionist was on maternity leave. When I heard that she was coming back, I admit I got sad because I enjoyed working with that team and thought I was going to have go back to a production job (though I did not mind because at least it was a job).

But the YES branch manager then told me they were going to keep me! I was super excited and felt very blessed with the great news. I worked as a receptionist for a couple more months. I enjoyed working up front, but one day I was called back to to the manager’s office. Honestly, I was a bit nervous and thought I might be let go. Well, it turns out she pulled me back to tell me that I was going to be promoted to recruiter. I was very excited, very blessed! A year has passed since then and here I am still enjoying this job day-by-day with my amazing boss and team!

I learned a lot working at different jobs. The environments were all different. The employees and the people you worked with were all different. I never gave up, working in production, call centers, temporary work. I kept working until I finally found the perfect job, even though it was only temporary at first. I am very glad and blessed that this was turned into a full-time job.

My advice I give to other jobseekers is just to not give up, the job you are currently in may not be for you but if you don’t give up one day you will find somewhere that you love!

Lorena Avila
Account Manager | Ogden, Utah
Your Employment Solutions

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