Text Messaging in Recruiting

Hi everyone!

We came across a great article from RealWire titled Text Messaging is Key to Successful Recruitment. Essentially, it discusses the idea that text messaging is an innovative, crucial form of communication that benefits the world of staffing and recruitment. We agree.

In reference to a study done by IDC Research, it reads that “79% of people 18-44 [years of age] have their Smartphones with them 22 hours a day.  As a consequence of this, 98% of messages that are received are opened, and 90% are read within three minutes.  Communication is immediate, and you can’t get more powerful results than that.”

Here at Y.E.S., we utilize text messaging often and see great response.  Often we have little notice on our openings, have many open spots at once, or need someone ASAP.  Because of the quick response and mass number of people we are able to reach via text messaging, we feel it’s an important part of our every-day recruiting process.

What do you think?  Have you ever used text messaging in recruiting?  Ever received a text message with a job offer or to be alerted with a job opening?  Leave a comment below with your opinions and experiences!

(See cited article here.)