Treating People Right

At Your Employment Solutions We Want You to Feel Valued

All of us can relate at some time or another to the feelings we had as a new student in the 5th grade.

Remember then?

Remember being an uncertain young child walking through the lunch line collecting your food? For some of us that was traumatic enough. But what happens next is the feeling we all remember.

Once we have our food and turn around to find a place to sit, it can be easy – or it can be very uncomfortable.

Treating People Right

We first look for friends. If they cannot be found then we look for an open spot to sit. If that doesn’t work, then we are really stuck. Left feeling awkward and alone, and even saddened.

This defining moment is what Your Employment Solutions strives to eliminate in your modern job search.

YES Works To Eliminate Job Anxiety

YES uses this example in regards to the potential employees it seeks to hire. There is a certain amount of anxiety we all feel when we go somewhere we are not accustomed to – especially to find a new job. We already feel vulnerable.

You know that feeling of dread you get going to the DMV? Why do we feel that way? It’s because of their system or process makes us feel undervalued. There, it doesn’t feel like they care about treating people right. No one likes to go to the DMV and take a number to be helped, so don’t go to a staffing company that treats you that way.

From the moment an employee walks through our door it is our goal at Your Employment Solutions to help them feel like they are in a safe, fun place. A staffing agency where they can get some results.

Treating People Right

The basic guidelines of “treat others the way you would like to be treated” is a constant focus at Your Employment Solutions. When employees feel our concern and see a real effort to help them find solid employment, turnover will drop and successful placement is achieved.

Treating People Right

And that feeling of nowhere to sit in the lunchroom is eliminated.

When you treat people right in business and in life, you open the door to all sorts of success.

Kerry Westenskow
Vice President
Your Employment Solutions

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