Balancing Work and Family

Balancing Work and Family is Not Easy, But Worth it

Trying to juggle work and family is what everyone has to do now a days–no matter what your background–in order to pay the bills and get by or live comfortably.

Juggling Work and Kids

work family balanceHaving to get up early, get ready, and get kids ready for school or the babysitter is one thing most parents have to do. Especially when both parents have to work. Being able to get kids to school and yourself on time to work is a chore. Finding the right schedule and keeping your sanity is key to juggling both.

I believe you should always remember to leave work at work and home at home. Just because it was a bad day in the office does not mean it should be at home also. You have to go to work and think with a clear mind even though maybe the kids weren’t ready on time for school and had you running late for work. Or when the car in front of you is going slower then the speed limit. Or if the dogs did not want to go in their kennel. So many things could have gone wrong that morning. Forgetting about it and moving on is key.

Finding the Best Situation

“Of course a woman who decides to work full-time out of the home can be happy and deserves full respect from us. Motherhood is one of the most challenging and creative jobs anyone can do. The goal is to remake the world so that our choices are not so stark.” – Naomi Wolf

To make work (and the world) a better place you have to try your best and make the best of it. Always give it your 100% so that at the end of the day you know you tried your best to make things right. Work with people you like and can get along with–they are the people you spend most of your day with. Do what you like best. This will only make life easier. Not only will you like what you do, but at the end of the day get paid for it.

Love Your Job

I love my job. I get to grow in a company where I matter and can make a difference in people’s lives. Being able to help someone get a job so that they can support their family or themselves is a great feeling.

But Family is Always First

utah jobs employmentMaking sure that your family is taken care of is the most important thing. Changing roles from working and being professional to being loving and caring is not as hard as people make it seem. My kids and husband mean the world to me. They make me feel important and want me to strive for success in anything I set my mind to. Having them in my life makes me work harder for our future.

As a mom I find myself in a slightly over-busy life of a working parent. But I enjoy being in the middle of both worlds and making the best of it.


When you want to succeed as much as you want to breathe, that’s when you will be successful.

Alejandra Ledesma
Account Manager | Salt Lake City, Utah Office
Your Employment Solutions

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