Working for the Common Good

Client Relationships are More Than Just Buying and Selling

One of the ways Your Employment Solutions provides extraordinary customer service to our clients is by establishing partnerships – which is a completely different approach compared to what most clients are accustomed too.

We don’t want clients to feel they’ve been “sold to” with our service, rather we want them to know we understand their business and customize our services to help them.

client relationships

Partnerships and Assets

The success of any business depends on successful relationships with its clients.  However, at Your Employment Solutions, we believe success has come from our unique approach in how we develop personalized and committed relationships.

We don’t just provide a  jobs service, we strive for a valuable and interdependent relationship with each and every one of our clients. We become a partner as well as an asset. This is something that will have value not only today but for years to come.

This is how Your Employment Solutions has become, and will continue to be, “an unquestioned leader in customized staffing”.

How To Develop Partnerships With Clients

1. Personalized Communication.

Not only do clients appreciate being informed, but they depend on it. Keep clients in the loop on all developments involving their business. Make regular, personalized communication with them, and make them feel like a top priority. Update clients on progress each day, as well as let them know about any bumps in the recruiting road. Even if they don’t always respond, there’s no such thing as over-communication on the service provider’s end. However, be careful not to bother them with excessive or unnecessary information.

2. Being a useful resource to their business.

One of the unique things about Your Employment Solutions is that we offer more to our clients than just employees. We offer ideas, resources, and any other assistance possible with the goal of helping improve their processes. We show a genuine interest in a client’s success and growth. As we provide such personalized help we become a valuable asset to our clients, and they come to depend on us for their own success. Don’t hesitate to share information our clients may find useful for their business, whether or not it benefits us in any way.

3. Being honest with our clients.

Honesty is the best policy. It is also Your Employment Solutions’ policy. No long-term relationship survives if the two parties aren’t honest with each other. In addition to providing personalized service, our chief responsibility is to be open and honest in our dealings. If we fail a client in any way, we are honest with them. We tell them why, accept responsibility, and show a deeper resolve to deliver. It’s not about protecting our reputation, it’s about proving our reputation – one of integrity, which cultivates the kind of long-term relationships we strive for.

4. Delivering “On time, the first time”

“Our word is our bond” should be a guiding principle in all our client relationships. When we say we’re going to do something, there should be no question in our client’s mind that it won’t happen. By committing to deliver “on time, the first time,” and according to their deadline, we relieve our clients of the worry that they might not be able to depend on us. That freedom from worry builds trust and a preference in us over any other employment agency.

Our clients will only prefer to work with Your Employment Solutions when we show them they can trust in us completely.  Take these principles and apply them to all your relationships in life.  When someone know that you share their interests, you open the door to trust and success.

I hope this post on customer service and client relationships has been helpful to you. If so, please share or leave a comment below.

Brigham Yates
Director of Client Relations
Your Employment Solutions

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