Working for YES

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Working for Your Employment Solutions is Filled With Opportunity

Many people may not know this, but I have experience working with another staffing agency. Since I arrived here at YES I can definitely see the difference from one employment agency to the other.

Overall, I’m grateful that they gave me the opportunity to follow this career. I can’t deny that the difference between YES and any other agencies is that Your Employment Solutions cares about their employees, every one of us is important. We are all treated with respect and for me that’s really important. One of the things that caught my attention is how organized everything is at YES. Everyone has a specific role in every department and that makes it easy to know who to contact if there is ever a problem or a question.

Working for YESEveryone Is Important

That is one of the things that I have admired since I got here as well as how YES has shown us how to value our co-workers and our employees that we talk to on daily basis. It’s beautiful when you see the trust our employees give to us. It makes you realize that you are doing a good job, it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside when someone is genuinely appreciative of the help you gave them.

Being a Well-Rounded Recruiter

For me being a well-rounded recruiter is not just filling the job orders we have, but looking for the RIGHT person for the job. It makes the employee feel confident that their skills are being put to good use and the client loves when we find the perfect candidate. It’s also about making sure the employee feels appreciated and respected by giving them a position they would love. When the employee feels appreciated, the more likely they’ll stay at the job we gave them.

Working at YES is the Best

I can’t complain, I am able to work in an office where everyone is mature, where you can feel the companionship, the teamwork, and where everyone works towards the same goals. No one is compared to each other so everyone is equal making it easy to find help anywhere. With a new job comes new responsibilities to learn and with that I have to admit that here at YES it has helped me a lot in my professional career.

To finish off, I just want to tell you that I’m really happy working for YES. I know that I work for a company where everyone has the opportunity to grow and where opportunities are always arising. I know I’m working for the best staffing agency there is in Utah.

Noelsy Arteaga
Account Manager | West Valley City, Utah Staffing Office
Your Employment Solutions

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