YES 2019 Employee Awards

As 2019 comes to an end and we near the beginning of an entirely new decade, we reflect on the year’s experiences and begin to plan for another big year of business adventures. Before we push through the holiday season and begin the new year, we want to take some time to highlight some amazing staff members who have more than exceeded our expectations this past year!

Awards of Excellence

At our annual Christmas party, we awarded six very well-deserved employees for their efforts throughout the year.

Most Positive Reviews | Kirk Westenskow

Kirk Westenskow is our #1 contributor to our company’s positive reviews! He sends the most online rating requests and regularly receives the most positive responses from our guests. He truly drives our brand and how the public views our company and we are extremely grateful for his efforts and how amazing of a recruiter he is!

Here at YES, ratings are a valuable tool to help us inform the public of our range of services whether they are in the market for a job or in the market for an agency to support their company’s hiring needs. We rely on our ratings to help us advertise and show the community how much care we take during the application and onboarding processes and how we treat our guests and employees. Thank you, Kirk, for driving our company image and for being an all-around positive person!

Most Legally Compliant | Haylee Stevens

Haylee Stevens was our most legally compliant Recruiter and Account Manager of 2019! YES relies on employees like Haylee to ensure we’re complying with local and federal laws and regulations, but also to ensure we’re complying with our clients’ requests and requirements. Our Human Resource department regularly audits each office’s legal tasks such as E-Verify and background check compliance.

Haylee did not receive any notices from HR during 2019 which means she did not have any issues with her onboarding requirements requiring further attention! She handled all her duties in a timely matter and complied with all regulations and client requirements as stated under each contract. She truly is an example of working smarter and not harder by handling things as they arise and not waiting for a later time to catch up. She is a great example of legal compliance, organization, and great time management!

Most Improved Employee | Logan Laws

Logan Laws was voted our Most Improved Employee of the Year by his peers. Being the Most Improved is no easy feat! Most people live their lives day in and day out in mostly the same way as the day before and only change in very small ways over the course of time. Logan took on a new role at the beginning of the year and in a way was forced to improve in order to maintain his new role in Sales, but he took it to a whole new level and has impressed all of us here at YES!

Some of the votes for Logan came in with comments that include, “Logan has hit the ground running with Sales and doesn’t seem to be slowing down. It’s pretty amazing how much he has achieved in such a short amount of time” and “He has done a lot more than expected in his new role, but more than that he has really improved his maturity and communication, internally and externally. Very impressed with his new way of being.” I couldn’t have said it any better. What a great example to our staff for the value in self-reflection, hard work and commitment, and improving yourself for the greater good of those you serve.

Best Customer Service | Marisol Abarca

Marisol Abarca was voted on by her peers and received the 2019 YES Best Customer Service award, and rightfully so! Marisol is currently our Ogden Office’s Bilingual Receptionist and is a huge asset to that office and our company.

Her peers included comments such as, “I’ve never witnessed her not smiling,” “She’s AMAZING!” “She is happy, kind, and helpful every time I see her,” and “She has truly exhibited outstanding customer service since her very first day! She is so welcoming, friendly, easy going, and very patient with those who are less than happy in our office or over the phone. She does a great job at asking questions when she needs help and learns from every situation, so you don’t usually hear the same question twice.” What amazing attributes Marisol has that YES is truly grateful to be able to utilize to make our company better!

Manager of the Year | Alejandra Ledesma

Alejandra Ledesma was voted on by her peers (other managers) as the Manager of the Year and she won this vote by a landslide! Alejandra is currently our West Valley Office Manager and oversees a fully bilingual team of Recruiters and Account Managers. West Valley was easily our busiest office this year in terms of foot traffic and they had their hands full all year long. Alejandra has done a great job at keeping the team motivated and organized during such a hectic year.

Her peers also included statements in their votes that include, “Alejandra is someone who genuinely cares about her team and you can tell when she talks about them. She has a great attitude as well and is always looking for the positive in everything”, “Her willingness to leave her comfort zone (another office) and take on a branch that was growing and very busy is why I voted for her. She always has an amazingly positive attitude. Her team rallies around her and look up to her leadership style.” Thank you for being such a great role model for all our managers and staff, Alejandra!

Employee of the Year | Riley Smith

This year’s Employee of the Year won the vote among our staff, but even more so conducted a lot his role outside of the staff’s view which should also be recognized! Riley Smith is currently our IT Manager and won the vote for the 2019 Employee of the Year with comments such as, “Huge year dealing with software. We made some massive changes on the backend and he managed it all!”

Not only did Riley plan, implement, and manage some massive technological changes that our staff knew about, but he managed much of this process behind the scenes by bringing his sleeping back to the office on the weekends to manage server updates and transitions when they weren’t in use and taking calls while at the top of a mountain on vacation to help support the needs of the office when backup options weren’t working out so well.

We feel that Riley went above and beyond the call of duty and worked countless hours without knowledge and praise from the staff to ensure his job was done well and didn’t negatively impact the operations during business hours. What a great example of commitment and dedication to his job and to YES and we are grateful for all of his efforts this year and look forward to another year of improvements and changes in this ever changing tech world!

Alison Evans
Director of Human Resources
Your Employment Solutions

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