YES Employee Spotlight – August 2014

The People Who Work at YES Rock!

At Your Employment Solutions we believe in hiring the best people in Utah. And when we can, we’ll take the best people from the pacific northwest as well.

employee spotlight

Thank You Kenneth Vanderburg | August Employee Spotlight

Speaking of which, this month’s employee spotlight is Kenneth (or Kenny) Vanderburg. Kenny is a dedicated, hard-working, make-no-excuses kind of guy originally from Portland.

We took an informal poll about Kenny from an anonymous YES coworker with the same name as a city in Northern Utah, and here’s what that person had to say, “Kenny’s tall, has great hair and a good looking jump shot.”

We conducted a more formal poll with Kenny himself, asking him to answer 11 or so questions about work and play. Here’s what the man had to say:

1. 5 things you enjoy.
Basketball, golf, The Walking Dead, Mav Runs, and getting people jobs.

2. 3 things you don’t.
Spiders, snakes and flakes.

3. What do you like most about working at YES?
The environment/atmosphere and getting people jobs who actually want to work.

4. What do you think would make YES better?
A basketball hoop in the back.

5. If you could meet anyone, who?
Michael Jordan. Hands down.

6. Your favorite place on Earth.
My bed 6 hours every night.

7. How many more championships will LeBron James win in his career?
LeBron will win a total of 6 Championships.

7.5. How many more championships would Lebron win if you were his teammate?
Probably still 6.

8. What is the number one challenge you face in your job?
My number one challenge is not getting so frustrated when someone doesn’t show up to a job or quits without any notice.

9. What do you think is the best way to meet that challenge?
There’s only so much I can do that’s out of my reach so I’ve been working on letting things go when they don’t go according to plan.

10. What would you tell someone looking into working with YES?
You better do it.

11. Street ball. You and your co-worker Logan versus the president and VP of YES, Reed Laws and Kerry Westenskow. What play wins it? What’s the final score?
Logan would go to the corner so I could dunk over Reed. The final score is 99-0 me and Logan.

Wow. Total domination? That’s what we’ve learned to expect from you…

Thanks Kenny for all your hard work!

Jarum Stone
Operations Manager
Your Employment Solutions

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