YES Employee Spotlight | December 2015

The Best Utah Staffing and Recruiting People Work at YES!

Please give it up for this month’s Employee Spotlight….

employee spotlight

Thank You Alejandra Ledesma | YES December Employee Spotlight

Alejandra joined the YES team as a Bilingual On-Site Recruiter at one of our largest clients. She has continued to impress us time and time again with her amazing customer service, dedication to excellence, exceptional work ethic, and her friendly and fun demeanor! We are so thankful to have her on our team and our client is unbelievably lucky to have her full support as well. She is a great example of what YES holds so dearly; an amazing employee!

We asked Alejandra to answer 11 questions about work and life. Here’s what she had to say:

1. Five things you enjoy.
Spending time with my family, Watching movies, Going on a drive to the Mountains, Shopping for clothes or makeup and Food love to eat! 🙂

2. Three things you don’t.
Don’t like a messy house. Don’t like lazy people. Don’t like when people are misjudged by their appearance.

3. What do you like most about working at YES?
The people.

4. What do you think would make YES better?
Free lunch on Fridays 🙂 ha

5. If you could meet anyone, who?

6. Your favorite place in the world.
Home with my kids and husband.

7. We heard a rumor that one of your kids auditioned for America’s Got Talent! What was the talent? Would you tell us about the experience?
It was amazing! My daughter who is 12 years old has an amazing voice loves to sing and can sing to Adele all day if she could. She sang “Melt My Heart to Stone” by Adele. I’m so happy and fortunate to be able to share that experience with my daughter and show her that her mom is her biggest fan.

8. What is the number one challenge you face in your job?
Being to nice and not saying NO enough.

9. What do you think is the best way to meet that challenge?
Put my feet down and turn them away if they are no bueno.

10. What would you tell someone looking into working with YES?
That its a great place to work at. The people you work with make it even better.

11. The leaders of Your Employment Solutions Reed Laws and Kerry Westenskow decide to set-up competing food stands on opposite street corners. Reed sells taquitos. And Kerry sells tacos. Which stand is more likely to succeed?
Tacos no question about it yum!

Thanks Alejandra for all you do to make Your Employment Solutions the best staffing agency in Utah!

Alison Evans
Human Resources Manager
Your Employment Solutions

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