YES Employee Spotlight | February 2016

The People at YES are the Best in Utah Staffing and Recruiting!

This month’s Employee Spotlight goes to a hard-working, dedicated, and driven staff member of ours who has taken a keen interest in finding and supporting new clientele!

Ogden Staffing

Thank You Jordon Cissna | YES February Employee Spotlight

Jordon has been with YES for just over 3 years and has helped our Ogden office grow to the amazing, well-oiled machine that it is today. I’m sure he would say that it hasn’t been easy, but it’s definitely been worth it!

We asked Jordon to answer 11 questions about work and life. Here’s what he had to say:

1. Five things you enjoy.
Playing baseball, watching baseball, hunting, not having homework, spending time with my new kid (he is in mint condition).

2. Three things you don’t.
Sharing drinks, slow internet speed, dead or sweaty handshakes.

3. What do you like most about working at YES?
The impact I can have on someone’s life. I get to come to work and help individuals find employment opportunities. It’s a super awesome feeling.

4. What do you think would make YES better?
Powerade drinking fountain.

5. If you could meet anyone, who?
Matt Damon or Tom Hanks.

6. Your favorite place in the world.
Machu Picchu, Peru. If you haven’t been, you need to go!

7. You recently graduated with your bachelor’s degree. Congratulations! What advice would you give to someone balancing work and school?
Sacrifice now to reap the rewards later. I had to put vacations and other activities aside because I worked full time and went to school full time. It was a grind for sure, but worth every minute.

8. What is the number one challenge you face in your job?
Understanding that I cannot control the outcome if a temp shows up for work, does well, or how our clients may feel about us. I just have to do my best and trust the process to work.

9. What do you think is the best way to meet that challenge?
Take it head on and follow through. Challenges are often put on the “back-burner,” resulting in the “I’ll get to it later” excuse. Leaders love to see those who take the “bull by the horn.”

10. What would you tell someone looking into working with YES?
Come check us out, you will feel a huge difference in the way you are treated here at YES. We put ourselves in your shoes to determine your needs.

11. Spring training starts soon. If you had to put together an all-star line-up for a YES employee baseball team, where in the batting order would you place the president of YES Reed Laws and the vice president Kerry Westenskow? Why?
I would have Kerry leading off. Pitchers haven’t really “found” their zone until a couple of batters so the probability of a walk is higher.

I would put Riley in the 2 hole because his zone is smaller than the rest, which also draws him a walk.

This puts runners on 1st and 2nd with no outs, pretty good odds with the next 3 power hitters coming up. I would be the 3 hitter because I crush the ball, Kenny would be the clean up at 4 because he is clutch. Logan would follow in the 5th spot because he can also crush it.

Reed would follow up in the 6 because after the 3, 4, and 5 hitters have gone yard, the pitcher will feel so demoralized that he will toss up pitches right down the middle of the plate, giving Reed his best shot.

I’d throw Santiago in the 7th spot and hope that he would give the ultimate Zoolander stare down to mess with the pitcher even further.

Jarum would be in the 8th spot, have to make sure we have a safety guy on the team if the pitcher decides to bean anyone.

Bringing up the 9th spot would be Eric N. After this killer squad has had their turn, Eric steps to the plate in his super short jogging shorts. This will prompt the pitcher to give up and take his walk of shame. It’s actually a good move because when Eric connects, he’d run around all the bases in under 10 seconds. Can’t beat this lineup.

Ha! That’s a league-winning line-up to be sure! We’re thankful for all of your hard work, Jordon! You rock! As always thanks for all you do to make Your Employment Solutions the best staffing agency in Utah!

Alison Evans
Human Resources Manager
Your Employment Solutions

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