YES Employee Spotlight | January 2016

The People at YES are the Best in Utah Staffing and Recruiting!

We want to kick off a New Year with a new Employee Spotlight that is most deserving – our Ogden Office Manager, Andrea Posell! 

Thank You Andrea Posell | YES January Employee Spotlight

Andrea came to us after 10 years with another staffing agency, but that didn’t stop her from learning the wonderful ways of YES! She already fit right in. She’s a very fun loving, caring, generous, and hard working person who takes on any challenge given to her and goes for Gold every single time. She considers her team as family and will do anything to help them succeed as well. YES is so thankful to have her help us lead our team into a new year, a new generation, and a new level of awesomeness!

We asked Andrea to answer 11 questions about work and life. Here’s what she had to say:

1. Five things you enjoy.
My family, my job (especially scaring my team), movies, sports (especially if it’s my kids), and vacations.

2. Three things you don’t.
Negativity, waking up too early, and kale chips!

3. What do you like most about working at YES?
The people I work with. I love the environment of YES as a whole, I only wish I had found this job sooner!

4. What do you think would make YES better?
The temp industry as a whole has spurts of busy and not so busy. I wish it was always busy. I love being slammed and so busy I can’t think. So that doesn’t have a whole lot to do with YES, so one thing that could make YES better is a vanilla iced coffee machine!

5. If you could meet anyone, who?
The Pope for sure but if I had a second it would be tied between Larry Fitzgerald & Leonardo Dicaprio.

6. Your favorite place in the world.
My own bed and San Diego.

7. What’s better? The Arizona Cardinals winning the Super Bowl Notre Dame winning the National Championship or a lifetime supply of kale chips?
Either as long as I can be there. I’d rather have the Dallas Cowboys win the Super Bowl than a lifetime supply of kale chips though! YUCK!!!

8. What is the number one challenge you face in your job?
Finding the balance between compassion and duties. I’ve been known to be too nice. I try to be understanding knowing that I was once in the very same situation but at the same time there is a job to be done.

9. What do you think is the best way to meet that challenge?
Letting my team know what is expected. Respect is huge. If you respect them they will do the same in return.

10. What would you tell someone looking into working with YES?
I would tell them absolutely do it! It is an amazing company to work for. The atmosphere is amazing and the owners are even more amazing. They care about everyone as an individual. And they listen.

11. You’re recently engaged! Congratulations! Who would you put in charge of your bachelorette party? The president of YES Reed Laws or the vice president Kerry Westenskow? Why?
I would say either because no matter which one I choose they would hand it over to you Alison and my bachelorette party would ROCK!!!!!

Good call. That’s the surest way to keep Trevor from popping out of an oversized cake in his dancing clothes! Thanks Andrea for all you do to make Your Employment Solutions the best staffing agency in Utah!

Alison Evans
Human Resources Manager
Your Employment Solutions

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