YES Employee Spotlight | July 2020

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July’s employee spotlight is an employee we haven’t physically seen in a while, since he has been working from home during the pandemic, and we really miss him – Dason Gove!

Thank You Dason Gove | YES July 2020 Spotlight

Dason is a part-time recruiting assistant, but a big time value to our team! He worked in our corporate office until the COVID-19 pandemic hit and we sent some individuals to work from home to reduce headcount in our office as we had some additional flexibility with our back-office roles. He has always done such a great job for us and that hasn’t changed one bit while he’s been working from home. Dason has such great customer service and has always been very engaged and happy to help with any task asked of him. We are truly grateful for the work Dason provides, as well as his laid back and fun-loving personality. We hope to have him back in the office soon, because he brings such a warm, welcoming, happy-go-lucky personality with him to the job.

We asked Dason to answer 11 questions about work and life. Here’s what he had to say:

1. Five things you enjoy.
Meeting new people, being around my friends, camping, listening to music, and listening to thunder storms.

2. Three things you don’t.
Hot weather, getting up super early, and doing yard work.

3. What do you like most about working at YES?
The environment for sure. Everyone is super nice and really fun to talk to.

4. What do you think would make YES better?
Just keep growing and making the YES family bigger!

5. If you could meet anyone, who?
Kid Cudi, he’s a my favorite musical artist.

6. Your favorite place in the world.
My favorite place i’ve been to so far is probably Saint Lucia.

7. Although you have been working from home during COVID-19, we haven’t forgotten your all-black wardrobe. Tell us, how are you fairing during these high temperatures and what do you do to keep cool while absorbing all the sunlight?
Haha, it’s been tough wearing all black in this heat so I’ve had to embrace it a little. I try not to be outside for too long unless it’s a little later in the evening so that it’s not as bad, haha.

8. What is the number one challenge you face in your job?
Hmm i’d say right now just communication since i’ve been working from home.

9. What do you think is the best way to meet that challenge?
I just try to share everything and check up a lot more just so we are all on the same page. Luckily my team is awesome though so we do pretty good at it.

10. What would you tell someone looking into working with YES?
You’ll have the best time all the people are great and it’s rewarding helping people get jobs.

11. Word on the street is that you like to travel. If you could go anywhere in the world at the expense of YES, but have to take both the President, Reed Laws, and the VP, Kerry Westenskow to perform special projects while on the trip, where would you go and what would each of their special projects be and why?
I think as far as the place we would go I’d probably choose Norway or Iceland. I’ve always wanted to go there. As for the special project, I’m not sure. Maybe have one find out where we can see the Northern lights cause that’s one of the top things on my bucket list and then for the other just have them find out if we could help anyone locally so we can leave a positive impact as well. I feel like it would make the trip more memorable, haha.

Thanks for all that you do, Dason! You are a great example of excellent customer service and flexibility in the job.

Alison Evans
Human Resources Manager
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