YES Employee Spotlight | May 2018

YES Staffing Professionals are the Best People in Utah!

This month we would like to recognize someone who works outside of our regular business hours, but is an essential part of our business nonetheless. Shawn Oram!

utah staffing employee spotlight

Thank You Shawn Oram | YES May May Spotlight

Shawn is a very dedicated, reliable, hard working, and fun employee whom we value tremendously! He works the swing shift at one of our largest clients and has his hands full helping his team without always having them around in person. He has been such a great asset to our team and hope he knows how valuable he is!

We asked Shawn to answer 11 questions about work and life. Here’s what he had to say:

1. Five things you enjoy.
I enjoy spending time with my girls (girlfriend, two girls of my own and her three girls), family time, cooking, exercising, and football (go Denver Broncos).

2. Three things you don’t.
Cilantro, people that are late, and excuses.

3. What do you like most about working at YES?
It’s a family. In a family you do what you have to do to get things done but you care about everyone’s wellbeing.

4. What do you think would make YES better?
I know that YES has events that pulls us all together but I haven’t had a chance to experience one yet. So, for now more time to get to know these people that I only know through Skype. lol

5. If you could meet anyone, who?
Vince Lombardi. I have read his biography and what an inspiration he is for me. From humble beginnings to one of the most influential people to a sport that has meant so much to me.

6. Your favorite place in the world.
St. Thomas in the Caribbean.

7. If you had to choose between eating Cilantro or a bar of soap, which would you choose?
Well, to me they taste the same and I will never back down form a challenge so, both.

8. What is the number one challenge you face in your job?
Knowing that when an employee decides to not show, its not my fault and we have done our best in setting them up for success.

9. What do you think is the best way to meet that challenge?
Just make sure we are following our processes and giving the employee as much information as we can, so that they can make the best decision for them.

10. What would you tell someone looking into working with YES?
If you want a job that fits you instead of being push into a position to fill an opening, visit one of our recruiters, they are the best.

11.You’re maxing out bench at the gym and need a spotter. Who do you choose between the President YES Reed Laws or the CFO Kerry Westenskow? Why?
For my safety I would have to say both. That much weight is too much for either of them on their own.

Thanks for all that you do, Shawn! Your efforts are priceless.

Alison Evans
Human Resources Manager
Your Employment Solutions

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