YES Employee Spotlight – November 2014

Great Gobs of Gratitude in Utah Staffing

The month of November is well known for Thanksgiving and gratitude. And while here at Your Employment Solutions we do our best throughout the year to express our gratitude to the good people who work hard to make YES the best staffing company in Utah, we’re also grateful for a month like this one which reminds us to be grateful.

So before we get caught in a never-ending cycle of thankfulness, let us give thanks to our November employee spotlight, SandraMarie Clark.

employee spotlight

Thank You SandraMarie Clark | November Employee Spotlight

SandraMarie is an energetic, go-getting, hard-working, success-seeking individual who is all about family and expressing an attitude of positivity. She’s a great person to work with, who is much like the rising tide lifting all boats (coworkers) around her.

We asked Sandra to answer 11 questions about her work and life. Here’s what she had to say:

1. 5 things I enjoy.

Number one is family. Of course my son keeps me on my toes.

Number two: Anything out doors… lakes, mountains, mud puddles etc.

Number three: Red bulls.

Number four: All types of music. I listen to more music than I watch T.V.

Number five: Shoes/boots of course.

2. 3 Things I don’t like.

Red meat. Kale chips. Twilight movies.

3. What do I like most about working for YES?

That would be the team environment and the ability to learn new things from so many different talents. Also how YES allows us to take a challenge and run with it.

4. What I think would make YES better?

This is a hard one to answer. YES is a company I have always wanted to work with. The way they do business is different. The people are loyal and all around fun. The only thing I could think of is a fountain machine in all break rooms.

5. If I could meet that one person?

It would have to be Oprah Winfrey. She is very inspiring. One lunch with her would change my life.

6. My favorite place on earth?

Would have to be on the top of Dairy (Monte Cristo) and Ben Lomond Peak. There I feel like I am on top of the world where its very peaceful without a care, just surrounded by mother nature’s beauty.

7. Which flavor of Kale chip I like?

Obviously you mean which kale chips I don’t like. And the answer is ALL OF THEM.

8. The number one challenge in my job?

Would have to be understanding that I can’t control everything. We work with the most unpredictable product out there and that is PEOPLE.

9. The best way to meet this challenge?

Would be to see things through a temporary employee’s point-of-view. Always listen more and not always assume. Be more of a leader and coach people whom I try to employ on the values of job security that will better them in the long run.

10. What I would tell someone who is looking into working with YES?

Your Employment Solutions is different in how we work with clients and how we are able to custom fit how we find the right person for each client as needs are not the same. This process makes the job interesting to see all the different types of people looking for work. We can almost always find a good fit for each jobseeker specific to them.

YES is also excellent with helping you learn how to customize and better yourself as well as we do with clients. Our work culture realizes it is OK to fail. That’s hows we learn what works and what doesn’t.

11. Who would my son score more touchdowns against in a football game? Reed Laws, the president of Your Employment Solutions, or Kerry Westenskow, the vice president? And why?

Well, first I would tell him to take it easy on them both. He would score more on Reed cause my son is fast… Reed may not be able to keep up at first. Also my son is very tricky, he looks like he will be going one way, yet he fakes you out. Not saying Reed is easily distracted in anyway. 🙂

Kerry might come close to stopping my son cause Kerry is a rockstar. Guess we will find out next summer at the YES Summer BBQ party.

Thank you SandraMarie for all you do to help Your Employment Solutions the best staffing agency for jobs in Utah!

Alison Evans
Human Resources Manager
Your Employment Solutions

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