YES Employee Spotlight – September 2014

Have We Created a Utah Staffing YES Dynasty?

At Your Employment Solutions we want to work with the best people in Utah. That’s part of what has set us apart from average staffing companies: our people!

employee spotlight

Thank You Danielle Freideman | September Employee Spotlight

This month’s employee spotlight falls on Danielle Freideman. Danielle has worked hard in a variety of roles at YES, and she’s a central reason we have been so successful in helping people find good jobs out of our Ogden, Utah office.

Danielle is a working mother who is all about family, trucks, the outdoors, and Duck Dynasty.

We asked her to answer 11 questions about work and life. Here’s what she had to say:

1. Five things you enjoy.

  • Being with my kids
  • Supporting my family / Competing at the truck pulls
  • Fly Fishing
  • Cleaning
  • Trips to Alaska

2. Three things you don’t.

  • When people change their favorite professional teams YEARLY! If your team is terrible, then just let them be terrible for awhile.
  • When I am woken up from anyone, besides my kids, even 2 minutes before my alarm clock!
  • Dirty laundry laying around or a messy house.

3. What do you like most about working at YES.

All the people I get to work with everyday. Also, how understanding and caring our bosses are!

4. What do you think would make YES better?

That’s a tough one… It’s already pretty great.

5. If you could meet anyone, who?

It would have to be Kay Robertson. Such a sweet lady, and has such great values! She raised some well-mannered Boys! …..Or maybe i’d just like to meet all of the Robertsons.

6. Your favorite place on Earth.

Would have to be Alaska. SOOO pretty!! (I’d move there in a heartbeat)

7. You’re a successful working mother. Any advice for other working moms out there?

When Things are pretty rough, they probably will only get rougher, so just keep your head up anyway and pick yourself up, it will only make you stronger as a person, and a mother!

8. What is the number one challenge you face in your job?

Would have to be, accepting that sometimes I am wrong.

9. What do you think is the best way to meet that challenge?

Just admitting it, because after, you feel so much better!

10. What would you tell someone looking into working with YES?

Once you work here, you’ll never want to leave!

11. You have to take the president and vice president of YES, Reed Laws and Kerry Westenskow on a duck hunt. Which of them would make the best duck call? Why?

I have to take both? They most likely would cause too much ruckus! So… I’d ONLY want to take Kerry… and ONLY because he likes Duck Dynasty, so he may have a few techniques on making them, or what they are supposed to sound like.

Great, we’ll get Kerry started on growing out his beard right away.

employee spotlight

Thank you Danielle for all you do to help us all work better!

Jarum Stone
Operations Manager
Your Employment Solutions

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