YES is 25 Years Old!

2020 has been a rollercoaster of a year to say the least. Filled with many ups and downs, twists and turns, and certainly some screaming along the way. But as wild of a ride as this year has been, it has also marked some notable achievements for Your Employment Solutions. For one, we were named Utah’s Best of State Staffing Agency! Two, Alison Evans was recognized for her achievements in human resources. Three, we opened new branches in Clearfield, Utah and Saint George.

Lots of reasons to celebrate! And here’s another: 2020 marks YES’ 25th birthday!

Woot! Woot! Happy Birthday to YES!

25 years of utah staffing excellence

25 Years ago, YES was born as a small in-house staffing agency for a local Salt Lake City area moving company. Since then we’ve grown by leaps and bounds, helping connect tens of thousands Utah jobseekers with good Utah businesses.

The odds of any small business surviving 25 years aren’t favorable–let alone an employment agency. But through hard work, determination, and smart leadership YES has managed to defy those odds. We asked some of our current employees why they think YES has been around for two and a half decades. Here’s what they had to say:

Jarum Stone | COO | 20 Year YES Staffing Employee

We’ve built a rock-solid culture where people enjoy coming to work and give YES their best effort everyday! We work with some of the best businesses in Utah and forge relationships that last! Our customizable process and streamlines workflow ensure maximum efficiencies!

I want to say congrats on the latest in a long line of amazing accomplishments and milestones. Now that we’ve warmed up the engine, let’s see where this ride can take us!

Seth Hopkin | On-Site Manager | 3.5 Year YES Staffing Employee

I think YES has lasted 25 years due to leadership. The owners of the company have personalities to balance growth and consistency, they became aware of their strengths and weaknesses and were open to, and actively sought, coaching. I think under the same leadership YES will continue to grow regardless of economic stability or instability.

Haylee Stevens | Account Manager | 4 Year YES Staffing Employee

YES has lasted 25 years due to determination, perseverance, and YES’s willingness to adapt to the ever-changing world we live in. 25 years is an incredible achievement! Wishing YES many more years of success, happiness, and growth!

Chris Walker | North Salt Lake Branch Manager | 9 Year YES Staffing Employee

There is really only one reason, in my mind, that YES has lasted so long. It’s because of the values and ethical standards of the owners, which have then been instilled in each member of the YES Team.

Just the thought that 70% of companies fail in their first 10 years, is mind-blowing. The fact that YES has last 25 years, has survived and is surviving a HUGE recession when most companies closed their door, shows the validity, integrity, and high moral code that is held by YES. Congrats team for being such a major part of this long lasting company!

Marisol Abarca | Account Manager | 2 Year YES Staffing Employee

I think YES has made it 25 years because it is filled with amazing people working together with the incredible leaders of this company to take every opportunity that comes our way and make the best of it. Congratulations to a wonderful company striving to accomplish more and be better with every day we get. I hope to see YES grow even more and continue to be the BEST place to work.

Tricia Jones | Finance Assistant | 5 Year YES Staffing Employee

I think YES has lasted 25yrs because the bottom line has always been to find the right people for the job. They don’t try and just fill a position, they try to fill it with someone that will do great in that specific position. I hope to see YES in the future getting even bigger and broader then they are now. I can see them expanding throughout the state and maybe even one day out of state. Way To Go YES!

Riley Smith | IT Manager | 8 Year YES Staffing Employee

I think YES has lasted so long because the leaders are not in it for the money, but to be good people trying to make a difference. Congrats on making it past 10! I’m excited to see where you lead us!

Alison Evans | Director of Human Resources | 8 Year YES Staffing Employee

I believe that YES has been so successful and lasted 25 years because of the honest and ethical foundation the founders built this company on and continue to uphold today. I have been with YES for 8 years and have never felt pressured or expected to do anything unethical or questionable and have always been praised for my honesty, regardless of how much additional work or associated costs my honesty in a situation may have created. This company truly values these qualities and strives to maintain a culture that supports all employees and all client relationships in an open, honest, candid, and productive way. I feel that employees and clients all appreciate doing business with people and a company they can trust and rely on.

A huge, heartfelt congratulations to YES on its 25th anniversary! I am so grateful to be part of such a talented, hard-working, and fun-loving team and am looking forward to many more years of growing with this company in such a dynamic and interesting industry!

Alicia Velasquez| On-Site Manager | 3 Year YES Staffing Employee

YES genuinely cares about their clients and customers. We will go above and beyond to make sure we follow our mission statement: “Deliver the right people, on time, the first time.” The owners also make sure we, the staff, are always taken care of and have the tools we need succeed. Happy clients, customers and staff = successful business that has lasted and will continue to grow in years to come.

Success doesn’t happen overnight. YES’s dedication and hard work has paid off and will continue to pay off even in the years to come! Congratulations to YES!

Reed Laws | President | 24 Year YES Staffing Employee

I’ll go with three C’s…

  • Consistent management- long term leadership
  • always Compliant (follow the rules)
  • Cash savvy – good with our finances

I hope for more growth for sure. I also hope when competitors, clients and suppliers hear the words Your Employment Solutions they think to themselves, “Now that’s a company I enjoy working with, or, that’s who we need to emulate ourselves after.” Congratulations to the Your Employment Solutions team, their clients, suppliers and supporters: 25 years of class with a high moral compass is difficult to execute. Well done.

Laura Lafeen | West Jordan Branch Manager | 2 Year YES Staffing Employee

I’ve been with YES just over 2 years now and have grown more in my professional development in this short time span then in my almost 10 years at my previous employer. YES is all about finding the right person, on time, the first time… and thank goodness they found me! The leaders within YES have empowered me to find my own voice, make change, show my weaknesses without shame, brainstorm new ideas, explore new avenues of management, and probably the best part… meet extraordinary people! From the candidates I’ve interviewed, to working side by side training and coaching our employees on the floor in several facilities, to now my incredible staff in our West Jordan office, I’ve never loved the people I work with more! This is what makes YES a company that will be around for years to come! Congratulations to everyone who has been apart of creating the foundation of Your Employment Solutions! 25 years down, and many more to come!

Alicia Feliciano| On-Site Manager | 1.5 Year YES Staffing Employee

I believe YES has lasted 25 years because management cares about their employees. Also YES is like a family, and all of the people working here are a team. I hope YES grows bigger and becomes more successful. I hope to see YES become the #1 staffing agency in Utah.

Kerry Westenskow | EVP | 21-24 Year YES Staffing Employee

YES has lasted for 25 years because of the hard work, dedication of its employees. We have always strived to provide the right person to our clients as quickly as possible. Also, the relationships we build with our clients foster trust and a truly positive working environment.

Amazing. Great job everyone – truly a team effort. We will continue to grow and improve into the future.

Kaitlyn Rosario | Training Supervisor | 3.5 Year YES Staffing Employe

Honest, caring, awesome, and just all around good people who own and run the company. Also all the awesome people that work at all branches and on-sites throughout Utah. Congrats YES on 25 awesome years of helping the people of Utah find jobs! It may not always be easy, but we are doing something right! Its been so awesome working here, I love working for YES and all the awesome people I get to work with!

Andrea Posell | Ogden/Clearfield Branch Manager | 7 Year YES Staffing Employee

Why do I think YES has been in business for so long and grown so much? It starts from the top and trickles down. We have amazing owners and amazing management that hire people that want to be amazing with us! Our culture is unmatched. Plus, we are a business built on trust and integrity. In my opinion, you don’t get very far in life if you don’t have those two things. It’s a big deal! We strive to do what’s best for our clients and employees and we aim to be the best at what we do. Get to know us and you won’t be sorry you did. Can’t wait to see what the next 25 years brings!

Eric Nelson | Marketing Director | 7 Year YES Staffing Employee

Hey that’s me! I believe YES has lasted 25 years because of its STRONG culture and SOLID leadership. We’re a professional company with a family-oriented culture full of love and support. Relationships win the day! We truly want each other to succeed and the leaders of the company have laid a foundation of positivity for us to do so.

We’re excited to be 25. We’re grateful to work with you and for you. We know our success wouldn’t be possible without our amazing clients, our awesome staffing employees, our dedicated staff, and–most important of all–you.

Happy 25th birthday Your Employment Solutions! Here’s to a lot more.