YES, We’ve Gone Social!

Social Media as an Employment Solution

I’d like to focus on the social relationship and growth aspects of Your Employment Solutions. Did you know Your Employment Solutions maintains a Facebook and YouTube page dedicated to the work we do as well as building social relationships with those we help?


One major downfall of a lot of businesses is the lack of branding. According to the American Marketing Association a brand is a “name, term, sign, symbol or design, or a combination of them intended to identify the goods and services of one (business) or group of (businesses) and to differentiate them from those of other (businesses).”

Why is brand important?

As you read the names of the two companies below I want you to quickly identify the feelings you get for each of them.

  1. Motel 8
  2. Hilton


Generally when you think of Motel 8 the word “cheap” comes to mind. However, “cheap” goes further than just price. It can also bring a stigma of sub-quality, less than satisfactory customer service and lack of confidence in the product.

When you think of Hilton you generally think “nice,” “reputable,” “good quality,” “great service,” “comfortable,” etc.

Your Employment Solution’s Social Brand

At YES we’ve worked hard to create a “good quality” and “reputable” company. We are seen as the “Hilton” or “Cadillac” of the staffing industry. However, as the times change so does the way we reach out to our customers. In most people’s worlds now days, unless a business shares or advertises on Facebook (or other social media sites) a business can go unnoticed.

However, the businesses that understand successful marketing in social media are growing their influence at a more rapid pace and establishing their company’s “brand” which in turn, is moving people to act.

Facebook researched that “92% of people searching social media for local businesses do it on Facebook. When they learn about your services or see special offers on Facebook, they’re more likely to stop by and shop. Use Facebook to increase sales and drive more traffic to your door.”

When Your Employment Solutions posts something on social media it can potentially reach way beyond the people that have “Liked” the YES page. Let’s assume only 300 people a post and just 25 of them either like, share and/or comment on it. Then, lets assume each of those 25 people have 50 friends who see the post as a result of sharing, commenting, or liking it. We just put our brand out there to over 1200 people who we may have never reached otherwise.

This powerful tool can help any business grow substantially, and EVERYONE have access to it!

Facebook as a Resume?

Social Media can benefit your business, but can also be a valuable branding tool for the individual. Employers will often check out a jobseeker’s social pages as a supplement to their resume. If you’re a jobseeker, it’s important to keep that in mind. Ask yourself, “Would you hire you if you saw the type of content you regularly post?”

Social Media sites like Facebook and Google+ have been a very valuable tool in helping Your Employment Solutions spread its brand message and in helping quality jobseekers find good Utah Jobs.

I invite you to take a moment and like, +1, or subscribe to one or all of the YES social media pages.

Click the links below to visit!

Jace Barraclough
Your Employment Solutions

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